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Tiwtor o Chweched y Rhyl yn Ennill Gwobr am Dorri Tir Newydd

Mae tiwtor arloesol o Goleg Llandrillo newydd ddychwelyd o Lundain ar ôl ennill gwobr ‘Teacher Trailblazer 2022’... yr unig enillydd o Gymru ac un o ddim ond dau enillydd o'r Deyrnas Unedig gyfan!

Sam Egelstaff yw arweinydd y maes rhaglen Saesneg a Chyfryngau yn Chweched a Rhyl ac mae i'r wobr a enillodd fri rhyngwladol. Fe'i cyflwynwyd iddi gan gynrychiolwyr o'r Poetry Society, Cyngor Celfyddydau Lloegr a Sefydliad Foyle mewn seremoni fawreddog yn y Nation Theatre yn Llundain.

Cyflwynwyd y gwobrau addysgu rhyngwladol i'r enillwyr yn seremoni wobrwyo flynyddol ‘Foyle Young Poets of the Year’ a oedd wedi denu 13,500 o gerddi gan dros 6,600 o feirdd 11-17 oed o dros 100 o wledydd ledled y byd.

Daw Sam o Newcastle yn wreiddiol ac mae wedi bod yn gweithio ym maes addysg ers dros 20 mlynedd. Mae hi bob amser wedi dewis gweithio mawn ardaloedd difreintiedig er mwyn gallu gwneud mwy o wahaniaeth.

Meddai: “Roeddwn i wrth fy modd yn derbyn gwobr ‘Teacher Trailblazer 2022’ a bod yng nghwmni'r beirdd gwych oedd wedi ennill gwobrau yn y seremoni.

"Mae gweld pobl ifanc yn cael eu hysbrydoli gan farddoniaeth yn bleser pur. Weithiau mae yna deimlad o anobaith yn yr ardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig ac mae ysgrifennu creadigol yn bwysig er mwyn grymuso pobl ifanc. Mae barddoniaeth yn galluogi pobl ifanc i rannu emosiynau a mynegi eu hunain. Yn Chweched y Rhyl rydym yn falch o lwyddiant ein myfyrwyr mewn pob math o gystadlaethau."

Yn ogystal â'i gwaith llawn amser fel tiwtor Lefel A, mae Sam yn mynd i ysgolion lleol i ddysgu barddoniaeth mewn ardaloedd difreintiedig, ac yn gweithio gyda phobl sydd â phroblemau iechyd meddwl a lefelau llythrennedd isel.

Mae Sam yn barddoni ei hun ac wedi cyhoeddi barddoniaeth chwe gwaith yn ystod y mis diwethaf, gan gynnwys yng ngŵyl farddoniaeth Cheltenham!

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Lefel A yn Chweched Rhyl, Coleg Llandrillo, cysylltwch â'r Coleg ar 01745 354 797.

Gwefan: www.gllm.ac.uk

E-bost: rhyladmissions@gllm.ac.uk

Sam Egelstaff, programme leader of English and Media at the college’s Rhyl Sixth, was presented with her prestigious international award by representatives from The Poetry Society, The Arts Council and The Foyle Foundation at a glitzy ceremony at the National Theatre in the English capital.

The global teaching awards were presented to the winners during the annual ‘Foyle Young Poets of the Year’ awards ceremony, which garnered 13,500 entries from over 6,600 poets aged 11-17, from over 100 countries worldwide.

Originally from Newcastle, Sam has been teaching for over 20 years and has always taught in deprived areas in order to make the biggest impact.

She said: “I was thrilled to receive the ‘Teacher Trailblazer Award 2022’ alongside the fabulous winning poets at the awards ceremony.

“Seeing young people being inspired by poetry is such a huge joy. There is sometimes a sense of hopelessness in more deprived areas and creative writing is so important in order to empower young people. Poetry enables youngsters to share emotions and express themselves. At the Rhyl Sixth, we have a proud history of success in a range of student competitions.”

As well as her full-time job teaching A-level students, Sam also goes into local schools to teach poetry to the disenfranchised, and people with mental health issues and low literacy levels.

Not to be outdone by her younger counterparts, Sam has had her poetry published six times in the last month, including at the Cheltenham Poetry Festival!

For more information on A-level courses at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhyl Sixth, contact the college on 01745 354 797.

Web: www.gllm.ac.uk

Email: rhyladmissions@gllm.ac.uk

Sam Egelstaff, programme leader of English and Media at the college’s Rhyl Sixth, was presented with her prestigious international award by representatives from The Poetry Society, The Arts Council and The Foyle Foundation at a glitzy ceremony at the National Theatre in the English capital.

The global teaching awards were presented to the winners during the annual ‘Foyle Young Poets of the Year’ awards ceremony, which garnered 13,500 entries from over 6,600 poets aged 11-17, from over 100 countries worldwide.

Originally from Newcastle, Sam has been teaching for over 20 years and has always taught in deprived areas in order to make the biggest impact.

She said: “I was thrilled to receive the ‘Teacher Trailblazer Award 2022’ alongside the fabulous winning poets at the awards ceremony.

“Seeing young people being inspired by poetry is such a huge joy. There is sometimes a sense of hopelessness in more deprived areas and creative writing is so important in order to empower young people. Poetry enables youngsters to share emotions and express themselves. At the Rhyl Sixth, we have a proud history of success in a range of student competitions.”

As well as her full-time job teaching A-level students, Sam also goes into local schools to teach poetry to the disenfranchised, and people with mental health issues and low literacy levels.

Not to be outdone by her younger counterparts, Sam has had her poetry published six times in the last month, including at the Cheltenham Poetry Festival!

For more information on A-level courses at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhyl Sixth, contact the college on 01745 354 797.

Web: www.gllm.ac.uk

Email: rhyladmissions@gllm.ac.uk

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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