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Tomos, sy'n Brentis Ryanair, yn profi llwyddiant ar ôl cwrs peirianneg

Mae Tomos Jones, cyn-fyfyriwr Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, wedi gweld ei yrfa'n esgyn ar ôl iddo gael prentisiaeth gyda Ryanair Engineering.

Mae Tomos, sy'n 19 oed, wedi cael cytundeb pedair blynedd gyda'r cwmni hedfan yn gweithio ym Maes Awyr Stansted, ac mae ar ei ffordd i fod yn beiriannydd cynnal a chadw awyrennau cymwys ar ôl cael ei ddewis o fwy na 1,000 o ymgeiswyr.

Cwblhaodd gwrs Peirianneg Gyffredinol Uwch Lefel 3 yn llwyddiannus ar gampws Hafan ym Mhwllheli, ei dref enedigol. Roedd hyn yn cynnwys 16 o bynciau, Bagloriaeth Cymru, sgiliau gweithdy Cyflawni Gwaith Peirianneg a 150 awr o brofiad gwaith ymarferol.

Flwyddyn ar ôl i Tomos gwblhau ei gwrs, fe gyfarfu Emlyn Evans y darlithydd peirianneg ag ef i ddarganfod beth mae wedi bod yn ei wneud.

Meddai wrth Emlyn: "Rydw i ar gontract pedair blynedd gyda Ryanair, yn dilyn cwrs dwy flynedd gyda nhw i ennill tystysgrif Categori A'r Awdurdod Hedfan Sifil, a Lefel 3 mewn cynnal a chadw awyrennau.

Tomos, 19, has landed a four-year-contract with the airline working at Stansted Airport, and is on his way to becoming a qualified aircraft maintenance engineer after being selected from more than 1,000 applicants.

He successfully completed the Level 3 Enhanced General Engineering course at the Hafan campus in his home town of Pwllheli. This included 16 topics, the Welsh Baccalaureate, Performing Engineering Operations workshop skills and 150 hours of practical work experience.

A year after Tomos completed his course, engineering lecturer Emlyn Evans caught up with him to find out what he has been up to.

He told Emlyn: “I’m on a four-year contract with Ryanair, undertaking a two-year course with them to earn my Civil Aviation Authority CAT A and a Level 3 in aircraft maintenance.

Tomos, 19, has landed a four-year-contract with the airline working at Stansted Airport, and is on his way to becoming a qualified aircraft maintenance engineer after being selected from more than 1,000 applicants.

He successfully completed the Level 3 Enhanced General Engineering course at the Hafan campus in his home town of Pwllheli. This included 16 topics, the Welsh Baccalaureate, Performing Engineering Operations workshop skills and 150 hours of practical work experience.

A year after Tomos completed his course, engineering lecturer Emlyn Evans caught up with him to find out what he has been up to.

He told Emlyn: “I’m on a four-year contract with Ryanair, undertaking a two-year course with them to earn my Civil Aviation Authority CAT A and a Level 3 in aircraft maintenance.

"Mae'r tebygrwydd rhwng y cwrs hwn â'r hyn a astudiais yn yr Hafan wedi cyfrannu at fy llwyddiant wrth i mi ragori yn y rhaglen. Yn ogystal, mae’r cyfle i ennill cyflog wrth ddysgu wedi bod yn anhygoel, ac rwy’n rhagweld y byddaf yn dod yn beiriannydd cynnal a chadw awyrennau cwbl gymwys heb ddyled.”

Dywedodd Tomos fod y profiadau a gafodd yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor wedi ei helpu i fod uwchlaw'r gweddill o ran proses ddewis prentis Ryanair.

Dywedodd: “Ar ôl cwblhau fy TGAU, cofrestrais ar gwrs peirianneg gyffredinol Lefel 3 ar gampws Hafan.

“Roedd y penderfyniad yma'n deillio o fy ansicrwydd ynghylch pa lwybr peirianneg i’w ddilyn. Yn ffodus, roedd y cwrs hwn yn cwmpasu ystod eang o sectorau, gan fy helpu i ddarganfod y rhai sy’n gweddu orau i’m diddordebau a’m dawn.

Am fwy o wybodaeth am y cyrsiau Peirianneg Lefel 2, 3 a 4 sydd ar gael yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor, Pwllheli a Dolgellau, cysylltwch ag Emlyn Evans drwy e-bost ( ) neu cliciwch yma.

⁠“Yr hyn oedd yn wirioneddol apelio ataf am y cwrs hwn oedd y cyfuniad amrywiol o ddulliau asesu. Gwerthfawrogais y cyfle i arddangos fy nysgu trwy gyfuniad o arholiadau, aseiniadau, a gwaith ymarferol. Roedd y cymwysiadau a'r aseiniadau ymarferol yn caniatáu imi ddangos fy nealltwriaeth o gysyniadau peirianneg mewn modd mwy diddorol a chreadigol.

"Aseiniadau oedd y prif ddull o asesu yn ystod y cwrs, ac roeddwn yn eu gweld yn hynod gyffrous fel darpar beiriannydd. Yn wahanol i arholiadau sydd ag atebion cywir cyfyngedig, mae aseiniadau yn annog creadigrwydd, gan ein galluogi i ddyfeisio atebion unigryw i broblemau amrywiol. Fe wnaeth y dull hwn feithrin ein gallu i feddwl yn feirniadol ac yn ddadansoddol, gan ein paratoi ar gyfer heriau peirianneg y byd go iawn.

“The familiarity of this course with what I studied at the Hafan has contributed to my success as I excel in the program. Additionally, the opportunity to earn while learning has been amazing, and I eagerly anticipate becoming a fully qualified aircraft maintenance engineer debt-free.”

Tomos said the experience he gained at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor helped him soar above the rest when it came to the selection process for Ryanair.

He said: “After completing my GCSEs, I enrolled in the Level 3 general engineering course at the Hafan campus.

“This decision was driven by my uncertainty about which engineering path to pursue, but fortunately, this course covered a wide range of sectors, helping me discover the best fit for my interests and aptitude.

For more information about the Level 2, 3 and 4 courses on offer at Coleg Meirion Dwyfor, Pwllheli and Dolgellau, contact Emlyn Evans via email ( or click here.

“What truly appealed to me about this course was the diverse blend of assessment methods. I appreciated the opportunity to showcase my learning through a combination of exams, assignments, and practical work. The hands-on applications and assignments allowed me to demonstrate my understanding of engineering concepts in a more engaging and creative manner.

“Assignments were the primary mode of examination during the course, and I found them to be incredibly stimulating as an aspiring engineer. Unlike exams that have limited correct answers, assignments encourage creativity, enabling us to devise unique solutions to various problems. This approach nurtured our ability to think critically and analytically, preparing us for real-world engineering challenges.

“The familiarity of this course with what I studied at the Hafan has contributed to my success as I excel in the program. Additionally, the opportunity to earn while learning has been amazing, and I eagerly anticipate becoming a fully qualified aircraft maintenance engineer debt-free.”

Tomos said the experience he gained at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor helped him soar above the rest when it came to the selection process for Ryanair.

He said: “After completing my GCSEs, I enrolled in the Level 3 general engineering course at the Hafan campus.

“This decision was driven by my uncertainty about which engineering path to pursue, but fortunately, this course covered a wide range of sectors, helping me discover the best fit for my interests and aptitude.

For more information about the Level 2, 3 and 4 courses on offer at Coleg Meirion Dwyfor, Pwllheli and Dolgellau, contact Emlyn Evans via email ( or click here.

“What truly appealed to me about this course was the diverse blend of assessment methods. I appreciated the opportunity to showcase my learning through a combination of exams, assignments, and practical work. The hands-on applications and assignments allowed me to demonstrate my understanding of engineering concepts in a more engaging and creative manner.

“Assignments were the primary mode of examination during the course, and I found them to be incredibly stimulating as an aspiring engineer. Unlike exams that have limited correct answers, assignments encourage creativity, enabling us to devise unique solutions to various problems. This approach nurtured our ability to think critically and analytically, preparing us for real-world engineering challenges.

“Roedd cyfleusterau gweithdy’r Hafan yn eithriadol, gan ddarparu ystod gynhwysfawr o beiriannau ac offer ar gyfer peiriannu a gosod ar fainc.

“Roedd y profiad ymarferol hwn yn wefreiddiol ac yn bleserus, gan i mi allu profi amgylchedd cwbl newydd. Roedd y cyfle i drosi gwybodaeth ddamcaniaethol yn gymwysiadau ymarferol yn amhrisiadwy ac yn darparu profiad dysgu anghyffredin.”

Canmolodd Tomos y tiwtoriaid yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor am eu hymroddiad, gan ddweud: “Trwy gydol y cwrs, cynigiodd y tiwtoriaid gefnogaeth heb ei hail, gan fynd y filltir ychwanegol i gynorthwyo myfyrwyr ar ôl oriau dysgu, a phennu tasgau a oedd yn ein paratoi’n effeithiol ar gyfer ein haseiniadau.

“Fe wnaeth eu hymroddiad a’u harweiniad gyfrannu’n sylweddol at ein llwyddiant a’n twf fel darpar beirianwyr.”

Ychwanegodd: “Diolch i’r cwrs hwn, rwyf wedi ennill y cymwysterau perffaith i symud ymlaen ymhellach yn fy ngyrfa.

“Gyda Lefel 3 a thystysgrif Cyflawni Gwaith Peirianneg, fe wnes i sefyll allan yn ystod y cais am brentisiaeth gyda Ryanair. Er bod y broses ymgeisio yn heriol, chwaraeodd fy ngwybodaeth beirianyddol gynhwysfawr a thechnegau ateb cwestiynau effeithiol o Fagloriaeth Cymru ran hanfodol wrth sicrhau fy safle ymhlith y 10 ymgeisydd gorau allan o fwy na 1,000 o ymgeiswyr.”

Dywedodd Nadine Houghton, cydlynydd rhaglen hyfforddi Ryanair Engineering: “Mae Tomos wedi gwneud dechrau rhagorol i’w brentisiaeth wedi iddo ymuno â Ryanair ym mis Mawrth eleni. Mae wedi sgorio marciau uchel yn gyson yn ei arholiadau ac mae ganddo agwedd ragorol at ddysgu.

“Rydym yn gosod disgwyliadau uchel ar gyfer ein hyfforddeion ac mae Tomos yn sicr wedi cwrdd â’r her honno gyda gwaith caled, ymroddiad a diddordeb gwirioneddol mewn peirianneg awyrennau. Mae’n ddyddiau cynnar i Tomos ond os yw’n parhau i ragori fel y mae ar hyn o bryd, mae’n sicr y bydd ganddo yrfa lwyddiannus iawn o’i flaen.”

Dywedodd Emlyn Evans, arweinydd y rhaglen darpariaeth ysgolion 14-16, a thiwtor ar y cwrs Peirianneg Gyffredinol Lefel 3 yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor: "Rydym ni fel staff mor falch o'n dysgwyr, ac mae'r rôl sydd gennym yn y sector addysg yn werth chweil ac yn rhoi llawer o foddhad, yn enwedig pan fydd ein myfyrwyr yn symud ymlaen i faes peirianneg ar ôl yr addysgu rhagorol a gawsant yn yr Hafan.

“Dymunwn y gorau i Tomos ar gyfer y dyfodol a gobeithio y daw yn ôl i’r Hafan i sôn am ei brofiad ar ôl gadael y coleg a mynd i fyd gwaith.

“I unrhyw ddarpar beirianwyr a hoffai ddilyn yn ôl traed ein dysgwyr blaenorol neu nad ydynt yn siŵr eto am y llwybr gyrfa y maent yn dymuno ei astudio o fewn peirianneg, mae’r cwrs Peirianneg Gyffredinol yn sylfaen wych i gryfhau eich set sgiliau peirianneg.”

“The Hafan's workshop facilities were exceptional, providing a comprehensive range of machinery and tools for machining and bench fitting.

“This hands-on experience was thrilling and enjoyable, as it exposed me to an entirely novel environment. The opportunity to translate theoretical knowledge into practical applications was invaluable and provided an uncommon learning experience.”

Tomos praised the tutors at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor for their dedication, saying: “Throughout the course, the tutors offered unparalleled support, going above and beyond to assist students after hours and assigning tasks that prepared us effectively for our assignments.

“Their dedication and guidance significantly contributed to our success and growth as aspiring engineers.”

He added: “Thanks to this course, I have acquired the perfect qualifications to progress further in my career.

“With Level 3 and PEO certification, I stood out from the crowd during the apprenticeship application with Ryanair. Although the application process was challenging, my comprehensive engineering knowledge and effective question-answering techniques from the Welsh Baccalaureate played a vital role in securing my position among the top 10 candidates out of more than 1,000 applicants.”

Nadine Houghton, training programme co-ordinator for Ryanair Engineering, said: “Tomos has made an excellent start to his apprenticeship after joining Ryanair in March this year. He has consistently scored high marks in his exams and has an excellent attitude towards learning.

“We set high expectations for our trainees and Tomos has certainly met that challenge with hard work, dedication and a genuine interest in aircraft engineering. It is early days for Tomos but if he continues to excel as he is currently, he will no doubt have a very successful career ahead of him.”

Emlyn Evans, who is the program leader on the 14-16 schools provision and a tutor on the Level 3 general Engineering course at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, said: “We as staff are so proud of our learners, and it’s a worthwhile and satisfying role we have in the education sector, especially when our students progress into the field of engineering after the excellent teaching they have received at the Hafan.

“We wish Tomos all the best for the future and hope he comes back to the Hafan to talk about his experience after leaving college and going into the world of work.

“For any budding engineers who would like to follow in the footsteps of our past learners or who are not sure yet of the career path they wish to study within the engineering discipline, the General Engineering course is a great foundation to cement your engineering skill set."

“The Hafan's workshop facilities were exceptional, providing a comprehensive range of machinery and tools for machining and bench fitting.

“This hands-on experience was thrilling and enjoyable, as it exposed me to an entirely novel environment. The opportunity to translate theoretical knowledge into practical applications was invaluable and provided an uncommon learning experience.”

Tomos praised the tutors at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor for their dedication, saying: “Throughout the course, the tutors offered unparalleled support, going above and beyond to assist students after hours and assigning tasks that prepared us effectively for our assignments.

“Their dedication and guidance significantly contributed to our success and growth as aspiring engineers.”

He added: “Thanks to this course, I have acquired the perfect qualifications to progress further in my career.

“With Level 3 and PEO certification, I stood out from the crowd during the apprenticeship application with Ryanair. Although the application process was challenging, my comprehensive engineering knowledge and effective question-answering techniques from the Welsh Baccalaureate played a vital role in securing my position among the top 10 candidates out of more than 1,000 applicants.”

Nadine Houghton, training programme co-ordinator for Ryanair Engineering, said: “Tomos has made an excellent start to his apprenticeship after joining Ryanair in March this year. He has consistently scored high marks in his exams and has an excellent attitude towards learning.

“We set high expectations for our trainees and Tomos has certainly met that challenge with hard work, dedication and a genuine interest in aircraft engineering. It is early days for Tomos but if he continues to excel as he is currently, he will no doubt have a very successful career ahead of him.”

Emlyn Evans, who is the program leader on the 14-16 schools provision and a tutor on the Level 3 general Engineering course at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, said: “We as staff are so proud of our learners, and it’s a worthwhile and satisfying role we have in the education sector, especially when our students progress into the field of engineering after the excellent teaching they have received at the Hafan.

“We wish Tomos all the best for the future and hope he comes back to the Hafan to talk about his experience after leaving college and going into the world of work.

“For any budding engineers who would like to follow in the footsteps of our past learners or who are not sure yet of the career path they wish to study within the engineering discipline, the General Engineering course is a great foundation to cement your engineering skill set."

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