Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Sylw ar ..... Dwristiaeth

Mae Teithio a Thwristiaeth yn sector allweddol yng Ngogledd Cymru gan fod twristiaeth ddomestig ar hyn o bryd yn darparu hwb mawr ei angen i helpu cynnal nifer o gyrchfannau a busnesau twristiaeth, a bydd yn parhau i fod yn sbardun allweddol i adfywiad yn y tymor byr i ganolig. Rhagwelir mai dyma un o'r diwydiannau fydd yn tyfu fwyaf yn y Deyrnas Unedig a'r byd yn dilyn y pandemig.

Gan astudio o fewn y maes rhaglen gyffrous hon sydd wedi ennill gwobrau lawer, ar draws campysau Grwp Llandrillo Menai, bydd gennych y cyfle i ennill ystod o gymwysterau: O Lefel 2 yr holl ffordd i fyny i lefel gradd!

Mae yna nifer o resymau ardderchog dros ddewis Teithio a Thwristiaeth yn Grwp Llandrillo Menai wrth i gyfyngiadau ddechrau llacio a chyfleoedd allanol ail-ddechrau: rhagolygon gyrfa gwych drwy ffair flynyddol y cyflogwyr; tripiau preswyl a dydd gan gynnwys ymweliadau a phrofiadau diwylliannol; darlithwyr gyda phrofiad diwydiant diweddar; lleoliadau cyffrous gyda gwestai, cwmnïau awyr a meysydd awyr pwysig, a chysylltiadau ardderchog gyda chwmnïau teithio.

Mae gweithio yn y sector yn fywiog, cyffrous ac yn newid yn gyson, gan roi cyfle i chi gwrdd â phobl newydd a theithio ar draws y byd. Mae cyfleoedd gyrfaol yn bodoli yn y Deyrnas Unedig a thramor mewn trefnu teithiau, rheoli teithiau, ac o fewn y diwydiant cwmnïau hedfan.

Wedi cwblhau eich hyfforddiant yn y coleg, byddwch wedi ennill y sgiliau a'r rhinweddau uwch i fedru gweithio mewn amrywiaeth o gwmnïau lleol, cenedlaethol a byd-eang, gan gynnwys swyddfeydd teithio, asiantaethau teithio, trefnwyr teithiau a chwmnïau hedfan gan gynnwys British Airways, Titan Airways a TUI.

Mae opsiynau gyrfau yn cynnwys: Asiant Teithio, Rheoli Maes Awyr, Trefnydd Teithiau, Rheolwr Mordaith, Cynrychiolydd Cyrchfan, Rheolwr Arlwyo, Swyddog Gweithredu Gwerthiant, a Rheolwr Gwesty.

Mae Twristiaeth yn barod yn cyflogi mwy na 42,000 o bobl ar draws Gogledd Cymru - sydd yn cynrychioli hyd at un mewn saith swydd yn yr ardal. Mae Twristiaeth yn fusnes mawr yng Nghymru at ei gilydd. Mae twristiaid yn gwario tua £17 miliwn y dydd tra yng Nghymru, sy'n dod i tua £6.3 biliwn y flwyddyn (cyn-Covid). Yn ystod 2019, roedd yna 87,300,00 o ymweliadau dydd Twristiaeth yng Nghymru. Roedd yr ymweliadau hyn yn cynhyrchu gwariant o £3,447 miliwn. *

Mae ein teithwyr Twristiaeth yn cymryd rhan mewn rhaglen o ymweliadau awyr agored i atyniadau a chwmnïau twristiaeth yng Ngogledd Cymru, ar draws y Deyrnas Unedig a thramor. Bydd gennych gyfle i ymgymryd gyda lleoliadau gwaith ar draws Ewrop, wedi eu hariannu yn llawn gan Erasmus+.

I ganiatau myfyrwyr i ennill profiad gwaith bywyd go iawn yn rheolaidd heb deithio yn bell, mae yna asiantaeth teithio weithredol ar gampws Llandrillo-yn-Rhos lle mae myfyrwyr yn gweithio shifftiau, gan wella eu sgiliau cyflogadwyedd.

Pob blwyddyn mae myfyrwyr Teithio a Thwristiaeth Coleg Llandrillo yn trefnu cynhadledd yrfaoedd i bron 100 o fyfyrwyr o bob cwr o Ogledd Cymru sydd yn cynnwys seminarau, gweithdai a stondinau rhyngweithiol gan amrywiaeth eang o sefydliadau teithio a thwristiaeth adnabyddus. Treuliodd y myfyrwyr Lefel 3 o gampws Llandrillo-yn-Rhos, fisoedd yn paratoi, hyrwyddo a marchnata'r digwyddiad deinamig hwn. Maent hefyd yn trefnu ystod o sesiynau Cwestiwn ac Ateb gyda siaradwyr gwadd allanol. Mae mynychwyr yn cael y cyfle i gasglu gwybodaeth ar opsiynau gyrfaol o bobl y tu mewn i'r diwydiant.

Mae'n anodd i ddisgyblion sydd ym mlwyddyn 11 ar hyn o bryd benderfynu beth i'w wneud ar ôl sefyll eu harholiadau TGAU a bydd llawer yn mynd am y dewis hawsaf, sef aros yn yr ysgol. Ond, beth os ydych yn amau eich penderfyniad i fynd i'r chweched dosbarth? Ydych chi'n meddwl y dylech fod wedi dewis pynciau gwahanol? Neu fod wedi dewis cwrs sydd yn eich rhoi ar lwybr carlam i'r diwydiant rydych eisiau gyrfa ynddo?

Un o'r cyrsiau mwyaf poblogaidd yw Teithio a Thwristiaeth Lefel 3. Mae'r cymhwyster yn gyfwerth â 3 Lefel A. Mae Bagloriaeth Cymru gyfwerth â Lefel A arall. Bydd cyflawni'r cymhwyster yn eich galluogi i fynd ymlaen i ddilyn amrediad o gyrsiau lefel prifysgol mewn sawl sefydliad. Os dewiswch barhau i astudio pwnc perthnasol, mae Coleg Llandrillo Cymru’n cynnig Graddau Sylfaen mewn Rheoli ym maes Teithio a Thwristiaeth.

Gwnewch gais yn uniongyrchol drwy ein gwefan heddiw, ebostiwch ni ar neu cysylltwch â’r llinellau cyngor ar gyrsiau ar 01492 542 338 ar gyfer Coleg Llandrillo, 01758 701 385 ar gyfer Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, a 01248 383 333 ar gyfer Coleg Menai.

*Data o wefannau Gov Wales a Business Wales

Studying within this exciting, multi-award winning programme area across Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s campuses, you will have the opportunity to gain a wide range of qualifications: from Level 2 all the way up to degree level!

There are many great reasons to choose Travel & Tourism at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai as restrictions begin to ease and external opportunities resume: great career prospects through the annual employers’ fair; residential and day trips including cultural visits and experiences; lecturers with up-to-date industry experience; exciting placements with top hotels, airlines and international airports, and excellent connections with travel companies.

Working in the sector is vibrant, exciting, and constantly changing, giving you the opportunity to meet new people and travel across the world. Career opportunities exist both in the UK and abroad in tour operation, tour management, and within the airline industry.

On completion of your training at college, you will have gained the advanced industry skills and qualities to work with a range of local, national and global companies, including tourist offices, travel agencies, tour operators, and airlines including British Airways, Titan Airways and TUI.

Careers options include: Travel Agent, Airport Management, Tour Operator, Cruise Manager, Resort Representative, Catering Manager, Sales Executive, and Hotel Manager.

Tourism already employs more than 42,000 people across North Wales – which adds up to one in every seven jobs in the area. Tourism is big business in Wales as a whole. Tourists spend around £17 million a day whilst in Wales, amounting to around £6.3 billion a year (pre-Covid). During 2019, there were 87,300,000 tourism day visits in Wales. These visits generated expenditure of £3,447 million.*

Our Tourism students participate in a programme of outside visits to attractions and tourism companies in North Wales, across the UK, and abroad. You will also have the opportunity to undertake work placements across Europe, fully-funded by Erasmus+.

To allow students to gain real-life work experience on a regular basis without travelling long distances, there is a working travel agency at the Rhos-on-Sea campus where students work shifts, improving their employability skills.

Each year, Coleg Llandrillo’s Travel & Tourism students organise a careers conference for nearly 100 students from across North Wales, which include seminars, interactive stands and workshops from a wide range of renowned travel and tourism organisations. The Level 3 students, based at the college’s Rhos-on-Sea campus, spend months preparing, promoting, and marketing this dynamic event. They also organise a range of Q&A sessions with external guest speakers. Attendees get the chance to glean information on careers options from industry insiders.

If you are currently in Year 11, deciding what to do after your GCSEs is difficult, and many students go with the simplest option, which is to stay in school. But, what if you're having doubts about your decision to go to sixth form? Perhaps you're thinking that you should have chosen different subjects? Or chosen a course that fast-tracks you into the industry that you want a career in?

One of the most popular courses is Travel & Tourism Level 3. The qualification is equivalent to 3 A-levels, whilst the Welsh Baccalaureate is equivalent to another A-level. These achievements will allow you to enter a variety of university-level courses at many institutions. If you wish to continue your studies in this subject, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai offers Foundation and BA Honours Degrees in Management of Travel and Tourism.

Apply directly through our website today, email us at: or contact the course advice lines on 01492 542 338 for Coleg Llandrillo, 01758 701 385 for Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, and 01248 383 333 for Coleg Menai.

*Data from Gov Wales and Business Wales websites

Studying within this exciting, multi-award winning programme area across Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s campuses, you will have the opportunity to gain a wide range of qualifications: from Level 2 all the way up to degree level!

There are many great reasons to choose Travel & Tourism at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai as restrictions begin to ease and external opportunities resume: great career prospects through the annual employers’ fair; residential and day trips including cultural visits and experiences; lecturers with up-to-date industry experience; exciting placements with top hotels, airlines and international airports, and excellent connections with travel companies.

Working in the sector is vibrant, exciting, and constantly changing, giving you the opportunity to meet new people and travel across the world. Career opportunities exist both in the UK and abroad in tour operation, tour management, and within the airline industry.

On completion of your training at college, you will have gained the advanced industry skills and qualities to work with a range of local, national and global companies, including tourist offices, travel agencies, tour operators, and airlines including British Airways, Titan Airways and TUI.

Careers options include: Travel Agent, Airport Management, Tour Operator, Cruise Manager, Resort Representative, Catering Manager, Sales Executive, and Hotel Manager.

Tourism already employs more than 42,000 people across North Wales – which adds up to one in every seven jobs in the area. Tourism is big business in Wales as a whole. Tourists spend around £17 million a day whilst in Wales, amounting to around £6.3 billion a year (pre-Covid). During 2019, there were 87,300,000 tourism day visits in Wales. These visits generated expenditure of £3,447 million.*

Our Tourism students participate in a programme of outside visits to attractions and tourism companies in North Wales, across the UK, and abroad. You will also have the opportunity to undertake work placements across Europe, fully-funded by Erasmus+.

To allow students to gain real-life work experience on a regular basis without travelling long distances, there is a working travel agency at the Rhos-on-Sea campus where students work shifts, improving their employability skills.

Each year, Coleg Llandrillo’s Travel & Tourism students organise a careers conference for nearly 100 students from across North Wales, which include seminars, interactive stands and workshops from a wide range of renowned travel and tourism organisations. The Level 3 students, based at the college’s Rhos-on-Sea campus, spend months preparing, promoting, and marketing this dynamic event. They also organise a range of Q&A sessions with external guest speakers. Attendees get the chance to glean information on careers options from industry insiders.

If you are currently in Year 11, deciding what to do after your GCSEs is difficult, and many students go with the simplest option, which is to stay in school. But, what if you're having doubts about your decision to go to sixth form? Perhaps you're thinking that you should have chosen different subjects? Or chosen a course that fast-tracks you into the industry that you want a career in?

One of the most popular courses is Travel & Tourism Level 3. The qualification is equivalent to 3 A-levels, whilst the Welsh Baccalaureate is equivalent to another A-level. These achievements will allow you to enter a variety of university-level courses at many institutions. If you wish to continue your studies in this subject, Grŵp Llandrillo Menai offers Foundation and BA Honours Degrees in Management of Travel and Tourism.

Apply directly through our website today, email us at: or contact the course advice lines on 01492 542 338 for Coleg Llandrillo, 01758 701 385 for Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, and 01248 383 333 for Coleg Menai.

*Data from Gov Wales and Business Wales websites

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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