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Myfyriwr yn ennill cap am am lwyddiant mewn Criced galluoedd cymysg

Cafodd myfyriwr Lletygarwch ac Arlwyo Coleg Llandrillo, sy'n aelod allweddol o sgwad Criced Galluoedd Cymysg Cymru, ei gap cyntaf am gynrychioli ei wlad yn ddiweddar.

Cyflwynwyd eu capiau i Matthew Kennedy, 18 oed o Hen Golwyn - ac aelodau eraill y tîm - gan gynrychiolwyr Criced Cymru wedi iddynt ddod yn ail mewn cystadleuaeth pencampwriaeth sirol.

Sgwad Criced Galluoedd Cymysg Criced Cymru yw'r tîm galluoedd cymysg cyntaf yng Ngogledd Cymru, ac mae'n cynnwys chwaraewyr o Glwb Criced Bae Colwyn a Chlwb Criced Gwersyllt.

Bu'r tîm yn cynrychioli Cymru'n ddiweddar yn y Bencampwriaeth Sirol newydd 'Super 9s' yn erbyn llu o wrthwynebwyr cryf, yn cynnwys Sir Gaerhirfryn a Sir Gaer.

Gwnaeth tîm Gogledd Cymru gyrraedd y gêm derfynol cyn colli o drwch blewyn i dîm Sir Efrog yn y rownd derfynol ranbarthol (Y Gogledd). Gwnaeth llwyddiant y tîm greu argraff a syndod i Fwrdd Criced Lloegr a Chriced Cymru, yn enwedig gan eu bod yn cystadlu yn erbyn timau llawer mwy ac wedi'u sefydlu ers talwm, a oedd yn cynnwys cricedwyr o sgwadiau anabledd Lloegr.

Mae Matt yn astudio ar gwrs Diploma Gweini Bwyd a Diod yn Broffesiynol yn y coleg ar hyn o bryd. Cyn hynny bu'n dilyn cyrsiau gan adran Sgiliau Byw'n Annibynnol y coleg am ddwy flynedd. Mae'r adran yn cynnal nifer o gyrsiau sydd wedi'u teilwra'n arbennig i ddiwallu anghenion myfyrwyr sydd ag anableddau dysgu ysgafn i gymedrol, anableddau dysgu difrifol ac anhwylderau ymddygiadol cymdeithasol ac emosiynol.

Mae ei fam, Debbie, sy'n hynod falch o'i lwyddiant, yn gweithio fel cymhorthydd gweinyddol yn yr adran TGAU a Sgiliau Hanfodol. Meddai: “Roedd yn gyflawniad anferthol cyrraedd y gêm derfynol, yn enwedig gan mai dyma'r tymor cyntaf i'r tîm chwarae efo'i gilydd. Rydym mor ni mor falch o Matthew, a oedd hefyd yn gyd gapten y tîm."

Nid dyma'r unig reswm dathlu i'r teulu Kennedy, gan fod dwy o chwiorydd Matt - Hannah ac Amy, sydd hefyd yn fyfyrwyr yng Ngholeg Llandrillo - wedi rhagori yn y byd criced hefyd. Mae'r ddwy yn aelodau adran merched Clwb Criced Bae Colwyn, a gwnaeth y tîm ennill Plât 100 Pêl Cymru yn y twrnamaint cyntaf i ennill y wobr hon ym maes Clwb Criced Morgannwg, gan guro tîm De Cymru. Mae tîm Bae Colwyn yn gydradd gyntaf gyda thîm merched Clwb Criced Bethesda yng Nghynghrair Criced Merched Gogledd Cymru ar hyn o bryd.

18-year-old Matthew Kennedy from Old Colwyn – along with his teammates – were presented with their caps by representatives from Cricket Wales after coming runners-up in a county championship competition.

The Cricket Wales MACS is North Wales’s first mixed ability side, and is made up of players from both Colwyn Bay Cricket Club and Gwersyllt Cricket Club.

The team recently represented Wales in the newly-formed Super 9's County Championship against a range of strong opponents including Lancashire and Cheshire.

The North Wales team upset the odds by reaching the final before narrowly missing out to the Yorkshire county side in the regional final (North). The former team’s impressive achievement surprised both Cricket Wales and the English Cricket Boards, especially as they were competing against much bigger and more established teams, which included cricketers from the England disability squads.

Matt is currently studying on the college’s Diploma in Professional Cookery & Food and Beverage Service course. Before this, he was enrolled on courses within the college’s Independent Living Skills department for two years. The department runs a number of courses for students with mild to moderate learning disabilities, severe learning disabilities and social and emotional behavioural difficulties, which are tailor-made to meet individual student’s needs.

His proud mum Debbie is a member of staff at the college, working as an administrative assistant within the GCSEs and Essential Skills department. She said: “It was a huge achievement to reach the final, especially as this was the first season that the team had played together. We are so proud of Matthew, who was also the team’s joint captain.”

This wasn’t the only reason to celebrate in the Kennedy household, as two of Matt’s sisters - Hannah and Amy, who are also students at Coleg Llandrillo – have also excelled at cricket. They are both members of the Colwyn Bay Cricket Club women's section, the team that this year won the inaugural Welsh Hundred Ball Plate tournament at the Vale of Glamorgan Cricket club, beating south Wales. The Colwyn Bay team is also currently in joint first place along with Bethesda Cricket Club women's team in the North Wales Women's Cricket League.

18-year-old Matthew Kennedy from Old Colwyn – along with his teammates – were presented with their caps by representatives from Cricket Wales after coming runners-up in a county championship competition.

The Cricket Wales MACS is North Wales’s first mixed ability side, and is made up of players from both Colwyn Bay Cricket Club and Gwersyllt Cricket Club.

The team recently represented Wales in the newly-formed Super 9's County Championship against a range of strong opponents including Lancashire and Cheshire.

The North Wales team upset the odds by reaching the final before narrowly missing out to the Yorkshire county side in the regional final (North). The former team’s impressive achievement surprised both Cricket Wales and the English Cricket Boards, especially as they were competing against much bigger and more established teams, which included cricketers from the England disability squads.

Matt is currently studying on the college’s Diploma in Professional Cookery & Food and Beverage Service course. Before this, he was enrolled on courses within the college’s Independent Living Skills department for two years. The department runs a number of courses for students with mild to moderate learning disabilities, severe learning disabilities and social and emotional behavioural difficulties, which are tailor-made to meet individual student’s needs.

His proud mum Debbie is a member of staff at the college, working as an administrative assistant within the GCSEs and Essential Skills department. She said: “It was a huge achievement to reach the final, especially as this was the first season that the team had played together. We are so proud of Matthew, who was also the team’s joint captain.”

This wasn’t the only reason to celebrate in the Kennedy household, as two of Matt’s sisters - Hannah and Amy, who are also students at Coleg Llandrillo – have also excelled at cricket. They are both members of the Colwyn Bay Cricket Club women's section, the team that this year won the inaugural Welsh Hundred Ball Plate tournament at the Vale of Glamorgan Cricket club, beating south Wales. The Colwyn Bay team is also currently in joint first place along with Bethesda Cricket Club women's team in the North Wales Women's Cricket League.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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