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Myfyriwr yn cael swydd ym maes seiberddiogelwch

Yn dilyn cais llwyddiannus am brentisiaeth gradd, mae Rahim Arif, myfyriwr o Goleg Llandrillo, wedi cael swydd yn gweithio ym maes seiberddiogelwch i'r Gwasanaeth Iechyd.

Bydd Rahim yn dysgu wrth weithio i'r GIG, a hefyd yn astudio un diwrnod yr wythnos ar gampws y coleg yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos.

Mae strwythur hyblyg y cwrs yn golygu y gall myfyrwyr gael gradd o Brifysgol Bangor heb orfod talu ffioedd hyfforddi a chan barhau mewn gwaith cyflogedig.

Mae Rahim o Landudno wedi bod yn fyfyriwr yng Ngholeg Llandrillo ers tair blynedd a newydd gwblhau cwrs Diploma Estynedig Lefel 3 mewn Technoleg Gwybodaeth.

Bydd y bachgen 19 oed yn dechrau ei swydd newydd gyda'r GIG fis nesaf, ac yn dychwelyd i'r coleg ym mis Medi i ddechrau ei brentisiaeth gradd mewn Seiberddiogelwch Cymhwysol.

Meddai: “Y rheswm y penderfynais i wneud prentisiaeth gradd oedd am fy mod am gael profiad ymarferol o ddefnyddio technoleg gwybodaeth yn y byd go iawn wrth ddilyn fy nghwrs gradd.

“Bydd gweithio i'r GIG a gwneud rhywbeth sy'n helpu cymdeithas yn werth chweil – dyna un o'r prif bethau wnaeth fy nenu i at y swydd.”

Symudodd Rahim a'i fam i Landudno dair blynedd yn ôl, ar ôl iddo orffen yn ei ysgol uwchradd ym Manceinion. Ni chafodd y graddau roedd eu hangen arno yn yr ysgol uwchradd, ond roedd yr amgylchedd yng Ngholeg Llandrillo yn ei siwtio i'r dim a llwyddodd i gyflawni ei amcanion.

“Rydw i wedi dangos gwytnwch ac wedi gweithio'n galed yn y coleg,” meddai. “Yn yr ysgol ro'n i'n cael gwaith academaidd yn anodd a wnes i ddim llwyddo i gael y graddau roedd eu hangen arnaf.

“Gyda chefnogaeth ac arweiniad y coleg llwyddais i roi cynllun ar waith i'm helpu i gyrraedd fy nhargedau addysgol. Roedd gen i diwtoriaid gwych ac roedd eu ffydd nhw ynof fi yn rhoi'r hyder i mi wneud yn well er gwaetha'r dyslecsia.”

Rahim will learn on the job with the NHS, while also studying one day a week at the college’s Rhos campus.

The dynamic course structure means students can earn a degree from Bangor University without having to pay tuition fees, while staying in employment.

Rahim, from Llandudno, has been a student at Coleg Llandrillo for three years, and has just completed his Level 3 Extended Diploma in IT.

The 19-year-old starts his new role with the NHS next month, and will return to college in September to begin his degree apprenticeship in Applied Cyber Security.

He said: “The reason I decided to go down the route of a degree apprenticeship is because I’ll be exposed to the real-world experience of using IT while getting my degree.

“It will be very rewarding to work for the NHS and do something that helps society - that was one of the main reasons that drew me to it.”

Rahim and his mum moved to Llandudno three years ago, after he finished high school in Greater Manchester. He hadn’t achieved the grades he needed in high school, but at Coleg Llandrillo he found the perfect environment to achieve his goals.

“I have been resilient and hard-working throughout my journey at college,” he said. “I struggled academically at high school and did not manage to get the desired grades.

“Through college’s guidance and support I managed to put an action plan in place to progress towards my educational goal. I had great tutors who believed in me and that gave me the confidence that I can do better despite my dyslexia.”

Rahim will learn on the job with the NHS, while also studying one day a week at the college’s Rhos campus.

The dynamic course structure means students can earn a degree from Bangor University without having to pay tuition fees, while staying in employment.

Rahim, from Llandudno, has been a student at Coleg Llandrillo for three years, and has just completed his Level 3 Extended Diploma in IT.

The 19-year-old starts his new role with the NHS next month, and will return to college in September to begin his degree apprenticeship in Applied Cyber Security.

He said: “The reason I decided to go down the route of a degree apprenticeship is because I’ll be exposed to the real-world experience of using IT while getting my degree.

“It will be very rewarding to work for the NHS and do something that helps society - that was one of the main reasons that drew me to it.”

Rahim and his mum moved to Llandudno three years ago, after he finished high school in Greater Manchester. He hadn’t achieved the grades he needed in high school, but at Coleg Llandrillo he found the perfect environment to achieve his goals.

“I have been resilient and hard-working throughout my journey at college,” he said. “I struggled academically at high school and did not manage to get the desired grades.

“Through college’s guidance and support I managed to put an action plan in place to progress towards my educational goal. I had great tutors who believed in me and that gave me the confidence that I can do better despite my dyslexia.”

Dilynodd Rahim y cwrs Lefel 2 i Ymarferwyr ym maes Technoleg Gwybodaeth gan fynd ymlaen y flwyddyn ganlynol i gael gradd Rhagoriaeth yn y cwrs Diploma Sylfaen Lefel 3 mewn TG. Llwyddodd hefyd i ailsefyll ei arholiadau TGAU Mathemateg a Saesneg yn llwyddiannus cyn mynd ymlaen y llynedd i wneud y cwrs Diploma Estynedig mewn TG.

Dyma'r hyn oedd ganddo i'w ddweud am ogledd Cymru: “Rydw i wedi bod wrth fy modd yma. Rydw i hoffi'r golygfeydd a'r tirlun yng ngogledd Cymru. Mae cyfleusterau'r coleg yn wych – rydw i wedi cael athrawon rhagorol ac mae'r gefnogaeth wedi bod yn anhygoel.”

Roedd gan Rahim y cyngor hwn i unrhyw sy'n astudio yn y coleg neu sy'n meddwl am wneud cais: “Defnyddiwch yr holl adnoddau sydd gennych chi a gweithiwch yn galed. Un o'r prif bethau wnes i oedd ymarfer gwneud hen bapurau arholiad.

"Gwnewch yn siŵr fod gennych chi berthynas dda â'r tiwtoriaid a thrafodwch eich syniadau gyda nhw, gofynnwch am eu cyngor a chymerwch gymaint o nodiadau â phosib.

“Mae cael perthynas dda o'r fath yn gallu bod yn help mawr gydag arholiadau a gwaith cwrs. Mae’r tiwtoriaid bob amser yn barod i helpu felly defnyddiwch hynny.”

Meddai Andrew Scott, arweinydd y rhaglen Prentisiaethau Gradd yng Ngholeg Llandrillo: “Mae Rahim yn fachgen ifanc ymroddedig iawn ac mi fydd yn bleser ei gael yn ôl i astudio yma. Mae Rahim bob amser yn gweithio'n galed ac mae'n haeddu'r holl gyfleoedd sy'n dod i'w ran. Da iawn.”

Mae tair prentisiaeth gradd TG ar gael yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai – Seiberddiogelwch Cymhwysol, Peirianneg Meddalwedd Gymhwysol a Gwyddor Data Cymhwysol.

Gall prentisiaethau gradd ychwanegu gwerth aruthrol i fusnesau yn ogystal â chynnig cyfle i fyfyrwyr ennill gradd wrth iddynt weithio.

Y fantais i gyflogwyr yw eu bod yn cael gweithwyr medrus iawn sy'n meddu ar y sgiliau academaidd ac ymarferol sydd eu hangen i ddatblygu'r gweithlu.

Bydd y myfyrwyr yn cael gwaith cyflogedig ac yn treulio un diwrnod ac un min nos yr wythnos yn astudio. Mae'r graddau prentisiaeth hyn yn cael ei hariannu'n llawn, felly bydd dysgwyr yn cael profiad gwaith gwerthfawr yn ogystal â gradd sy'n berthnasol i ddiwydiant heb orfod talu ceiniog!

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y gwahanol brentisiaethau gradd sydd ar gael yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai, cliciwch yma.

Rahim studied Level 2 IT practitioners, before gaining a distinction in his Level 3 Foundation Diploma in IT the following year. He also successfully resat his Maths and English GCSEs with the college before moving onto his Extended Diploma in IT last year.

He said of his time in North Wales: “I’ve really enjoyed it. I love the scenery and the landscape in North Wales. The facilities at the college are amazing - I’ve had great teachers and the support I’ve received has been fantastic.”

Rahim had this advice for anyone studying at the college or thinking of applying: “Make use of all the resources you have and work extremely hard. One of the main things I did was doing lots of past papers.

“Have good communication with the tutors and collaborate with them about ideas, getting their advice and taking as many notes as possible.

“When you’ve got that good communication it can help you so much with your exams and your coursework. The tutors are always willing to help so make use of it.”

Andrew Scott, programme leader for Degree Apprenticeships at Coleg Llandrillo, said: "Rahim is a very dedicated young man and it will continue to be a pleasure to have him enrolled with us. Rahim always tries his best and deserves every opportunity he has worked for. Well done."

There are three IT degree apprenticeships available at Coleg Llandrillo - Applied Cyber Security, Applied Software Engineering and Applied Data Science.

Degree apprenticeships can add immense value to businesses as well as offering students the chance to achieve a degree while they work.

Employers gain a highly upskilled employee with both the academic and practical skills required to advance the workforce.

Students will be in paid employment with an employer, while studying one full day and one evening per week. The degree apprenticeships are fully-funded - meaning learners gain valuable work experience and achieve an industry-relevant degree at no cost.

For more information about the range of degree apprenticeships available at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

Rahim studied Level 2 IT practitioners, before gaining a distinction in his Level 3 Foundation Diploma in IT the following year. He also successfully resat his Maths and English GCSEs with the college before moving onto his Extended Diploma in IT last year.

He said of his time in North Wales: “I’ve really enjoyed it. I love the scenery and the landscape in North Wales. The facilities at the college are amazing - I’ve had great teachers and the support I’ve received has been fantastic.”

Rahim had this advice for anyone studying at the college or thinking of applying: “Make use of all the resources you have and work extremely hard. One of the main things I did was doing lots of past papers.

“Have good communication with the tutors and collaborate with them about ideas, getting their advice and taking as many notes as possible.

“When you’ve got that good communication it can help you so much with your exams and your coursework. The tutors are always willing to help so make use of it.”

Andrew Scott, programme leader for Degree Apprenticeships at Coleg Llandrillo, said: "Rahim is a very dedicated young man and it will continue to be a pleasure to have him enrolled with us. Rahim always tries his best and deserves every opportunity he has worked for. Well done."

There are three IT degree apprenticeships available at Coleg Llandrillo - Applied Cyber Security, Applied Software Engineering and Applied Data Science.

Degree apprenticeships can add immense value to businesses as well as offering students the chance to achieve a degree while they work.

Employers gain a highly upskilled employee with both the academic and practical skills required to advance the workforce.

Students will be in paid employment with an employer, while studying one full day and one evening per week. The degree apprenticeships are fully-funded - meaning learners gain valuable work experience and achieve an industry-relevant degree at no cost.

For more information about the range of degree apprenticeships available at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

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Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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