Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Gwerthwyr tai llwyddiannus yn arddangos gwaith celf myfyrwyr

Bydd gwerthwyr tai sydd wedi ennill sawl gwobr yn arddangos gwaith celf myfyrwyr mewn sawl un o'u canghennau, wedi iddynt greu argraff ar y beirniaid mewn cystadleuaeth ddarlunio flynyddol.

Comisiynwyd myfyrwyr y cwrs Sylfaen Astudiaethau Celf a Dylunio yng Ngholeg Llandrillo gan Williams Estates i gynhyrchu dyluniadau poster pwrpasol ar y thema ‘Does unman yn debyg i gartref’.

Bydd creadigaethau’r myfyrwyr yn cael eu harddangos yng nghanghennau’r gwerthwyr tai yn y Rhyl, Dinbych a Phrestatyn, lle bydd yn cael ei weld gan gannoedd o bobl sy'n symud tŷ – tra bod gwobrau ariannol hefyd ar gyfer y dyluniadau mwyaf trawiadol.

⁠Cafodd eu gwaith celf ei arddangos yn arddangosfa diwedd tymor y Celfyddydau Creadigol yng Ngholeg Llandrillo hefyd. Gallwch weld mwy o'r gwaith trawiadol sy'n cael ei ddangos yn yr arddangosfa ar TikTok and Instagram.⁠

Elgan Jones o Ddinbych enillodd y brif wobr o £100 yn y gystadleuaeth ‘Does unman yn debyg i gartref’ am y darn, ‘Fy ffenestr gysur’. Darlun o gath yn ymlacio wrth ffenest tŷ, gydag arwydd ‘wedi’i werthu’ y tu allan iddi.

Cyflwynodd Jason Williams, perchennog Williams Estates ⁠y wobr i Elgan yn arddangosfa diwedd tymor Coleg Llandrillo ar gampws Llandrillo-yn-Rhos. ⁠ ⁠

Meddai Elgan wedyn: “Rwyf wrth fy modd fy mod wedi ennill y gystadleuaeth ‘Does unman yn debyg i adref’ gyda fy narn, ‘Fy ffenestr gysur’. Cefais fy ysbrydoli gan ffenestri hen faenordy, a Pwt, fy nghath.”

Roedd gwobrau o £50 yr un hefyd i Annélyse Boas, o Ruthun, a Lucy Morris, o'r Rhyl.

Dywedodd Lucy: "Fel un sy'n dyheu am fod yn ddarlunydd, roedd yn gyfle gwerthfawr iawn i weithio gyda busnes lleol i gael blas ar waith diwydiant.

"Prif ffocws fy narlun oedd arddangos hunaniaeth y brand drwy'r cynllun lliw a manylion eraill. Roeddwn i eisiau darlunio cwpl ifanc yn symud i dŷ oedd newydd ei werthu, er mwyn anfon neges uchelgeisiol ond realistig i gwsmeriaid Williams Estates. Ceisiais greu rhywbeth ffres, modern, a hawdd i hysbysebwyr ei ddefnyddio."

Dywedodd Annélyse: "Mae cartref yn fan lle mae pobl yn tyfu, yn caru, ac yn meithrin; lle sy'n cael ei gadw yng nghalonnau'r rhai a dreuliodd eu hamseroedd hapusaf yno. Dyma'r hyn yr oeddwn yn anelu at ei ddangos yn fy narlun; dechrau llawer o atgofion hyfryd a fydd yn aros am byth.”

Fel rhan o brosiect darlunio masnachol blynyddol mewn partneriaeth â Williams Estates, meddyliodd y myfyrwyr am restr o syniadau creadigol, cyn defnyddio camerâu digidol a chyfrifiaduron Apple iMac gyda meddalwedd digidol creadigol Adobe.

Yn ogystal â gweithio'n unigol ar eu gwaith trin digidol eu hunain, bu'n rhaid i'r myfyrwyr weithio gyda'i gilydd fel grŵp gyda'r cleient gan ddatblygu eu sgiliau gweithio fel tîm.

Meddai Jason Williams: "Rydym yn falch iawn o fod yn rhan o brosiect darlunio masnachol Astudiaethau Sylfaen Celf a Dylunio Coleg Llandrillo, ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen bob blwyddyn at feirniadu'r darluniau gorffenedig. "Mae safon y gwaith creadigol bob amser yn ardderchog."

Dywedodd y tiwtor Dewi Owen Hughes: "Rydw i'n frwd dros fagu cysylltiadau gyda diwydiant, gan fy mod yn credu bod prosiectau gwaith realistig yn gwella profiadau ac o fantais i ddysgwyr Astudiaethau Sylfaen Celf a Dylunio Coleg Llandrillo wrth iddynt chwilio am waith yn y dyfodol.

Students on the Art & Design Foundation Studies course at Coleg Llandrillo were commissioned by Williams Estates to produce bespoke poster designs on the theme ‘Home is where the Heart is’.

The students’ creations will be going on display in the estate agents’ branches in Rhyl, Denbigh and Prestatyn, where it will be seen by hundreds of home-movers - while there were also cash prizes for the most impressive designs.

Their artwork was also displayed at Coleg Llandrillo’s end-of-term creative arts exhibition. You can see more of the impressive work on show at the exhibition on TikTok and Instagram.

Elgan Jones of Denbigh won the top prize of £100 in the ‘Home is where the Heart is’ competition for the piece, 'My comfort window', depicting a cat relaxing by the window of a house with a ‘sold’ sign just outside.

Jason Williams, proprietor of Williams Estates, presented Elgan with the prize at the end-of-term art exhibition at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhos campus.

Elgan said afterwards: "I'm thrilled to have won the 'Home is where the Heart is' competition with my piece, 'My comfort window'. I was inspired by old manor house windows, and my own pet cat Pwt."

There were also runners-up prizes of £50 each for Annélyse Boas, from Ruthin, and Lucy Morris, of Rhyl.

Lucy said: “As an aspiring illustrator, it was a really valuable opportunity to work with a local business to get a taste of industry work.

“The main focus of my illustration was to showcase brand identity through the colour scheme and other details. I wanted to depict a young couple moving into a newly sold house to send an aspirational but realistic message to the Williams Estates’ customer base. I attempted to create something fresh, modern and advertiser friendly.”

Annélyse said of her piece: “A home is a place where people grow, love, and nurture; a place that is held in the hearts of those who spent their happiest memories there. This is what I aimed to capture in my illustration; the beginning of many wonderful memories that will remain forever more.”

As part of an annual commercial illustration project in partnership with Williams Estates, students came up with a list of creative ideas, before utilising digital cameras and Apple iMac computers with Adobe creative digital software.

As well as working individually on their own digital manipulations, the students worked together as a group with the client, developing their team-working skills.

Jason Williams said: “We are delighted to be involved with Coleg Llandrillo's Art & Design Foundation Studies commercial illustration project, and I look forward each year to judging the finished illustrations. The standard of creative work is always very high.”

Tutor Dewi Owen Hughes said: “I support our link with industry, as I believe that realistic work projects enhance the experience and future employability of our Coleg Llandrillo Art & Design Foundation Studies students.”

Students on the Art & Design Foundation Studies course at Coleg Llandrillo were commissioned by Williams Estates to produce bespoke poster designs on the theme ‘Home is where the Heart is’.

The students’ creations will be going on display in the estate agents’ branches in Rhyl, Denbigh and Prestatyn, where it will be seen by hundreds of home-movers - while there were also cash prizes for the most impressive designs.

Their artwork was also displayed at Coleg Llandrillo’s end-of-term creative arts exhibition. You can see more of the impressive work on show at the exhibition on TikTok and Instagram.

Elgan Jones of Denbigh won the top prize of £100 in the ‘Home is where the Heart is’ competition for the piece, 'My comfort window', depicting a cat relaxing by the window of a house with a ‘sold’ sign just outside.

Jason Williams, proprietor of Williams Estates, presented Elgan with the prize at the end-of-term art exhibition at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhos campus.

Elgan said afterwards: "I'm thrilled to have won the 'Home is where the Heart is' competition with my piece, 'My comfort window'. I was inspired by old manor house windows, and my own pet cat Pwt."

There were also runners-up prizes of £50 each for Annélyse Boas, from Ruthin, and Lucy Morris, of Rhyl.

Lucy said: “As an aspiring illustrator, it was a really valuable opportunity to work with a local business to get a taste of industry work.

“The main focus of my illustration was to showcase brand identity through the colour scheme and other details. I wanted to depict a young couple moving into a newly sold house to send an aspirational but realistic message to the Williams Estates’ customer base. I attempted to create something fresh, modern and advertiser friendly.”

Annélyse said of her piece: “A home is a place where people grow, love, and nurture; a place that is held in the hearts of those who spent their happiest memories there. This is what I aimed to capture in my illustration; the beginning of many wonderful memories that will remain forever more.”

As part of an annual commercial illustration project in partnership with Williams Estates, students came up with a list of creative ideas, before utilising digital cameras and Apple iMac computers with Adobe creative digital software.

As well as working individually on their own digital manipulations, the students worked together as a group with the client, developing their team-working skills.

Jason Williams said: “We are delighted to be involved with Coleg Llandrillo's Art & Design Foundation Studies commercial illustration project, and I look forward each year to judging the finished illustrations. The standard of creative work is always very high.”

Tutor Dewi Owen Hughes said: “I support our link with industry, as I believe that realistic work projects enhance the experience and future employability of our Coleg Llandrillo Art & Design Foundation Studies students.”

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Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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