Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos


Trefnwyd cystadleuaeth i fyfyrwyr Celf a Dylunio Coleg Menai yn ddiweddar i ddylunio logo newydd a brandio ar gyfer Academi Gofalwyr Ifanc CiC.

Gofynnwyd i fyfyrwyr ail flwyddyn cwrs Lefel 3 i ddylunio brandio a logo ar gyfer yr Academi i Ofalwyr Ifanc CiC (YCA). Mae'r YCA yn sefydliad nid er elw yng Ngogledd Cymru, sy'n cynnig cyfleoedd dysgu a datblygu i ofalwyr ifanc yng Nghymru. Lluniwyd y syniadau a'r cysyniadau gwreiddiol yn dilyn sgyrsiau gyda gofalwyr ifanc, a gwaith y myfyrwyr wedyn oedd datblygu'r syniadau ymhellach.

Sindy Astrauskite oedd enillydd y gystadleuaeth a bydd ei dyluniadau'n cael eu defnyddio gan Academi Gofalwyr Ifanc.

Cyflwynwyd bwrsarïau i'r myfyrwyr am gymryd rhan ar ffurf talebau, diolch i nawdd gan Gymdeithas Frenhinol y Celfyddydau. Cyflwynwyd £75 i'r enillydd, a £60 i Sophie Gerrard am ddod yn ail. Daeth Dion Jones a Leah Freeman yn gydradd trydydd ac ennill £30 yr un. Cyflwynwyd £15 i bob un o'r cystadleuwyr eraill.

Dywedodd Soo Rees-Jones, Arweinydd Rhaglen Lefel 3 Celf a Dylunio / Blwyddyn 2,

"Mi wnaeth y myfyrwyr fwynhau'r cyfle i weithio ar frîff byw Academi Gofalwyr Ifanc. Mae hi wedi bod yn wych i weithio ochr yn ochr â myfyrwyr ar eu syniadau a gweld y syniadau hynny'n datblygu'n ddyluniadau proffesiynol."

Meddai, "Mae briffiau byw yn elfen ychwanegol ardderchog i'r rhaglen astudio, maen nhw'n rhoi'r cyfle i fyfyrwyr gael profiad o'r diwydiant creadigol ynghyd â disgwyliadau cwsmeriaid. Rydym yn hynod ddiolchgar i Academi Gofalwyr Ifanc am gynnig y cyfle hwn i'n myfyrwyr!"

Meddai Dr Dee Gray, Cyfarwyddwr YCA, "Rydym wedi cael ein plesio'n fawr ag agwedd broffesiynol a safon gwaith yr artistiaid ifanc hyn. Mae'r prosiect wedi cyffroi'r gofalwyr ifanc a chwaraeodd ran yn y gwaith, maen nhw wrth eu boddau i weld eu syniadau'n dod yn fyw. Mae cydweithio â Choleg Menai wedi bod yn wych. Rydym eisoes wedi dechrau cynllunio prosiect newydd gyda Soo Rees-Jones, ac mae hi wedi bod yn bleser cydweithio â hi."

The Level 3 second year students were tasked with a brief to design branding and a logo for the Young Carers Academy CiC (YCA). The YCA is a not for profit organisation based in north Wales, which co-produces learning and development opportunities with young carers in Wales. Initial ideas and concepts came from the co-production conversations with young carers, it was then up to the students to bring the ideas to life.

The winner, whose designs will be adopted by the Young Carers Academy, is Sindy Astrauskaite.

Funded by the Royal Society for Arts, the students have been awarded bursaries in the form of gift vouchers for their participation. £75 was awarded to the winner, with the runner-up, Sophie Gerrard, receiving £60. Joint-third place was awarded to Dion Jones and Leah Freeman, who received £30 each. The other competitors were also awarded £15 each.

Soo Rees-Jones, Programme Leader for Year 2 Level 3 Art & Design, said,

“The students thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to work on the Young Carers Academy live brief. It has been fantastic to work alongside the students on their ideas and seeing these develop into professional designs.”

She added, “Live briefs are an excellent addition to the programme of study, as they provide a realistic insight into the creative industry and prepare the students for customer expectations. We are extremely grateful to the Young Carers Academy for providing our students with this opportunity!”

Dr Dee Gray, Director of YCA, said, “We have been totally impressed by the professionalism and the quality of work delivered by these amazing young artists. Our co-producing young carers have been so excited by this project, and are thrilled to see their ideas take form. Working with Coleg Menai has been fantastic. We are already planning a new project with Soo Rees-Jones, who has been an absolute joy to work with”

The Level 3 second year students were tasked with a brief to design branding and a logo for the Young Carers Academy CiC (YCA). The YCA is a not for profit organisation based in north Wales, which co-produces learning and development opportunities with young carers in Wales. Initial ideas and concepts came from the co-production conversations with young carers, it was then up to the students to bring the ideas to life.

The winner, whose designs will be adopted by the Young Carers Academy, is Sindy Astrauskaite.

Funded by the Royal Society for Arts, the students have been awarded bursaries in the form of gift vouchers for their participation. £75 was awarded to the winner, with the runner-up, Sophie Gerrard, receiving £60. Joint-third place was awarded to Dion Jones and Leah Freeman, who received £30 each. The other competitors were also awarded £15 each.

Soo Rees-Jones, Programme Leader for Year 2 Level 3 Art & Design, said,

“The students thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to work on the Young Carers Academy live brief. It has been fantastic to work alongside the students on their ideas and seeing these develop into professional designs.”

She added, “Live briefs are an excellent addition to the programme of study, as they provide a realistic insight into the creative industry and prepare the students for customer expectations. We are extremely grateful to the Young Carers Academy for providing our students with this opportunity!”

Dr Dee Gray, Director of YCA, said, “We have been totally impressed by the professionalism and the quality of work delivered by these amazing young artists. Our co-producing young carers have been so excited by this project, and are thrilled to see their ideas take form. Working with Coleg Menai has been fantastic. We are already planning a new project with Soo Rees-Jones, who has been an absolute joy to work with”

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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