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Myfyrwyr caredig yn rhoi nôl drwy osod giât newydd ar gyfer dyn anabl

Cafodd dysgwyr caredig gyfle i roi nôl i'w cymuned pan wnaethon nhw greu a gosod giât newydd ar gyfer dyn anabl yn Harlech.

Adeiladodd myfyrwyr Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor y giât ddur fel prosiect ar eu cwrs Lefel 2 Weldio a Ffabrigo, cyn mynd gyda'i gilydd i Harlech i'w ffitio yng nghartref Elfyn Williams oedd yn werthfawrogol iawn.

Dechreuodd y syniad pan wnaeth y tiwtor cymwynasgar Gwyn Williams ymweld ag un o'i gyd drigolion yn Harlech wedi sylwi ei fod wir angen giât newydd.

Meddai Gwyn Williams, arweinydd y rhaglen beirianneg ar gyfer Weldio a Ffabrigo yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor: "Rwyf yn byw yn Harlech ac rwyf fel arfer yn cymryd fy mab ieuengaf ar ei feic yn rhannau isaf Harlech.

"Roeddwn yn pasio tŷ Elfyn o hyd. Rwyf wedi ei nabod ers rhai blynyddoedd ac wrth i amser fynd heibio, cyn Nadolig, medrwn weld fod hanner ei giât wedi torri.

"Es i'w weld dros gyfnod y Nadolig a dywedais "Dwi'n chwilio am brosiect ar gyfer fy weldwyr - fyddech chi yn hapus iddynt wneud giât i chi?" ⁠Dywedodd y byddai'n hoffi hynny ond nad oedd ganddo'r arian i dalu amdano."

Siaradodd Gwyn wedyn gyda Marius Jones, Rheolwr y Maes Rhaglen Adeiladu a Pheirianneg ar gampws Pwllheli a Dolgellau Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor.

"Roedd gennym lawer o stoc hŷn, a dywedodd y medrwn ei ddefnyddio os oeddwn eisiau. Felly mesurais y giât, mi wnaethom ei chynllunio ac mi aethom mlaen o hynny," meddai Gwyn.

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor students built the steel gate as a project on their Level 2 Welding and Fabrication course, before heading en masse to Harlech to fit it at the home of a very appreciative Elfyn Williams.

The idea started when altruistic tutor Gwyn Williams visited his fellow Harlech resident after spotting that he desperately needed a new gate.

Gwyn Williams, the engineering programme lead for Welding and Fabrication at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, Dolgellau, said: “I live in Harlech and I usually take my youngest lad on his bike in the lower parts of Harlech.

“I kept passing Elfyn’s house. I’ve known him for quite a few years and as time went on before Christmas, I could see half of his gate had fallen apart.

“I went to see him over the Christmas period and said ‘I’m after a project for my welders to make - would you be happy for them to make you a gate?’. He said yes but that he didn’t have the money to pay for it.”

Gwyn then spoke to Marius Jones, the programme area manager for construction and engineering at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s campuses in Pwllheli and Dolgellau.

“We had a lot of older stock, and he said I could use it if I wanted to. So I measured up the gate, we designed it and it went from there,” said Gwyn.

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor students built the steel gate as a project on their Level 2 Welding and Fabrication course, before heading en masse to Harlech to fit it at the home of a very appreciative Elfyn Williams.

The idea started when altruistic tutor Gwyn Williams visited his fellow Harlech resident after spotting that he desperately needed a new gate.

Gwyn Williams, the engineering programme lead for Welding and Fabrication at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, Dolgellau, said: “I live in Harlech and I usually take my youngest lad on his bike in the lower parts of Harlech.

“I kept passing Elfyn’s house. I’ve known him for quite a few years and as time went on before Christmas, I could see half of his gate had fallen apart.

“I went to see him over the Christmas period and said ‘I’m after a project for my welders to make - would you be happy for them to make you a gate?’. He said yes but that he didn’t have the money to pay for it.”

Gwyn then spoke to Marius Jones, the programme area manager for construction and engineering at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s campuses in Pwllheli and Dolgellau.

“We had a lot of older stock, and he said I could use it if I wanted to. So I measured up the gate, we designed it and it went from there,” said Gwyn.

"Dywedais wrth y myfyrwyr, dyma ddyn sydd mewn cadair olwyn, sy’n methu gweithio ac mae'n gyfyngedig yn yr hyn y medr dalu amdano, ac rydych chi ddynion mewn sefyllfa i helpu rhywun yn y gymuned.

"Mi wnaethon ni osod y dasg i fyfyrwyr o ddod i fyny gyda'r syniad o sut y dylai edrych, a dros ddau fis a hanner mi wnaethon nhw fo, ei phaentio ac yna aethom i Harlech a'i gosod.

"Roedd yn ddiwrnod crasboeth ac roedd yn rhaid iddyn nhw weithio am 5 munud ac yna gymryd egwyl am 15 munud! Ond mi wnaethon nhw orffen y gwaith."

Doedd Elfyn ddim adre pan osododd y myfyrwyr y giât, ond dywedodd wrth Gwyn pa mor hapus oedd o pan alwodd y tiwtor rai diwrnodau yn ddiweddarach.

⁠"Roedd wir yn hapus gydag ef," meddai Gwyn. "Dywedodd nad oedd yn disgwyl iddo fod o'r ansawdd hwnnw, ac na fedrai ddiolch digon i'r coleg."

“I said to the students, this is a man who’s in a wheelchair, he can’t work and he’s restricted in what he can pay for, and you guys are in a position to help somebody in the community.

“We set the students the task of coming up with the idea of what it should look like, and over two and a half months they made it, painted it and then we went to Harlech and installed it.

“It was a scorching hot day and they had to work for five minutes then take a break for 15! But they finished the job.”

Elfyn wasn’t at home when the students installed the gate, but told Gwyn how pleased he was when the tutor called round a few days later.

“He was really happy with it,” said Gwyn. “He said he wasn’t expecting it to be of that quality, and he couldn’t thank the college enough.”

The students also gained a lot from the project - in terms of practical experience but also inspiration for future endeavours.

Gwyn said: “I was stretching them there - it was way beyond what the course was asking for, but they were amazed at what they were able to produce, and they enjoyed it.

“They really did appreciate what they were doing, and they felt ‘We’ve done this for somebody in the community - maybe this is something we can do as full-time work’.

“Hopefully the gate will be there for many years to come!”

For more information on engineering courses at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

“I said to the students, this is a man who’s in a wheelchair, he can’t work and he’s restricted in what he can pay for, and you guys are in a position to help somebody in the community.

“We set the students the task of coming up with the idea of what it should look like, and over two and a half months they made it, painted it and then we went to Harlech and installed it.

“It was a scorching hot day and they had to work for five minutes then take a break for 15! But they finished the job.”

Elfyn wasn’t at home when the students installed the gate, but told Gwyn how pleased he was when the tutor called round a few days later.

“He was really happy with it,” said Gwyn. “He said he wasn’t expecting it to be of that quality, and he couldn’t thank the college enough.”

The students also gained a lot from the project - in terms of practical experience but also inspiration for future endeavours.

Gwyn said: “I was stretching them there - it was way beyond what the course was asking for, but they were amazed at what they were able to produce, and they enjoyed it.

“They really did appreciate what they were doing, and they felt ‘We’ve done this for somebody in the community - maybe this is something we can do as full-time work’.

“Hopefully the gate will be there for many years to come!”

For more information on engineering courses at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

Elwodd y myfyrwyr lawer o'r prosiect - o ran profiad ymarferol ond hefyd fel ysbrydoliaeth ar gyfer ymdrechion i'r dyfodol.

Dywedodd Gwyn: "Roeddwn yn eu hymestyn drwy wneud hyn - roedd ymhell y tu hwnt i'r hyn roedd y cwrs yn gofyn amdano, ond roeddent yn synnu at yr hyn roeddent yn medru ei gynhyrchu, ac mi wnaethon ei fwynhau.

"Mi wnaethon nhw wir fwynhau'r hyn roeddent yn ei wneud, a theimlent "Rydym wedi gwneud hyn ar gyfer rhywun yn y gymuned - efallai fod hyn yn rhywbeth medrwn ei wneud fel gwaith llawn-amser."

⁠"Gobeithio bydd y giât yno am nifer o flynyddoedd i ddod!"

⁠Am ragor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Peirianneg Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, ewch i cliciwch yma.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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