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Digwyddiadau CaMVA'n cynnig cyfle i fyfyrwyr ymgysylltu â chyflogwyr

Trefnwyd cyfres o ffeiriau swyddi ar gampysau Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn ddiweddar yn cynnig cyfle i fyfyrwyr gwrdd â chyflogwyr posib. Bu rhai'n ddigon ffodus i gael eu gwahodd i gyfweliadau am swyddi.

Cynhaliwyd digwyddiadau ar safleoedd y Grŵp yn Llangefni, Dolgellau, Pwllheli a Llandrillo-yn-Rhos gan roi'r cyfle i fyfyrwyr ddysgu pa sgiliau a nodweddion mae cyflogwyr yn chwilio amdanynt, a pha gyfleoedd sydd ar gael iddynt.

Roedd y cyflogwyr yn dod o ystod eang o ddiwydiannau yn cynnwys peirianneg, gofal, twristiaeth, lletygarwch, arlwyo, llywodraeth leol, addysg a llawer rhagor.

Cynhaliwyd digwyddiad adeiladu penodol hefyd ar gampws y coleg yn Llangefni, yn ychwanegol i'r ffair swyddi cyffredinol a gynhaliwyd y diwrnod cynt.

Trefnwyd y digwyddiadau gan CaMVA, asiantaeth cyflogadwyedd a menter y Grŵp sy'n gweithio fel dolen gyswllt rhwng dysgwyr a chyflogwyr.

Dywedodd Julie Stokes-Jones, Swyddog Arweiniol Lleoliadau Gwaith gyda CaMVA bod y digwyddiad wedi bod yn un llwyddiannus. Dysgodd y myfyrwyr ragor am yr hyn mae cyflogwyr eisiau, a derbyniodd rai myfyrwyr wahoddiad i fynd i gyfweliadau.

Meddai: "Mae amrywiaeth o gyflogwyr wedi ymuno â ni o wahanol feysydd yn cynnwys maes gofal a pheirianneg, maes lletygarwch a gwestai ac o gymdeithasau tai. Roedd rhai cyflogwyr yn cynnig prentisiaethau ac eraill yn cynnig gwaith tymhorol.

Roedd yn ddefnyddiol iawn i'r myfyrwyr a ddaeth i'r digwyddiad, trefnodd y cwmni gofal ' Gofal Seibiant' gyfweliad gydag un o'r myfyrwyr y diwrnod canlynol i drafod gwaith ychwanegol dros benwythnosau.

Gwnaeth nifer geisiadau i Zip World yn ystod digwyddiadau Dolgellau a Phwllheli. Roedd Adra yn cynnig prentisiaethau ac aeth nifer o fyfyrwyr i'w gweld.

Mae'r ffair yn cynnig cyfle i bobl ifanc gwrdd â chyflogwyr wyneb yn wyneb, rhoi wyneb i'r enw fel petai, a allai fod o fantais wrth gyflwyno CV yn ddiweddarach. Rhyngweithio personol â chyflogwyr, dyna sy'n bwysig."

Dywedodd y myfyrwyr bod y ffeiriau swyddi o gymorth wrth iddynt ystyried eu dewisiadau gyrfa ar gyfer y dyfodol.

Dywedodd Jacob Ashall, sy'n dilyn cwrs Lefel 3 mewn Gosod Trydan: "Roedd yn ddefnyddiol iawn i mi. Mi wnaethon nhw egluro pa swyddi sydd ar gael a'r gwahanol lwybrau gyrfa y gallwn eu dilyn, ac mi ges i gyfle hefyd i drafod ambell beth gyda chyflogwyr posib.”

Meddai Yuliia Batrak, sy'n dilyn cwrs Lefel 1 mewn Lletygarwch ac Arlwyo: "Roedd yn gyfle da iawn i siarad gyda phobl sy'n rhedeg gwestai a gweld pa swyddi sydd ar gael.

Roedd yn ddefnyddiol iawn i gael y cyfle i siarad gyda chyflogwyr yma yn y coleg, doedd dim angen i ni deithio er mwyn siarad â nhw. Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn gwneud cais am swydd mewn dau westy ac mi ges i sgwrs gyda nhw."

Roedd y ffeiriau hefyd yn ddefnyddiol i gyflogwyr, roedd cyfle i rannu gwybodaeth am brofiad gwaith, prentisiaethau a swyddi gyda dysgwyr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai a chyfle hefyd i'w hysbrydoli wrth iddynt ystyried y dyfodol.

Meddai Chris Waddell, swyddog recriwtio mewnol gyda Akari Care: "Mae'r rhai ddaeth draw am sgwrs wedi dangos diddordeb amlwg ac wedi gofyn llawer o gwestiynau.

Mi fyddwn ni'n anfon gwybodaeth at y rhai a nododd eu manylion cyswllt a bydd cyfweliad yn cael ei drefnu i un myfyriwr yn un o'r cartrefi.

Rydym yn gyfrifol am bedwar cartref gofal yng Ngogledd Cymru, dau yn Y Rhyl a dau yn Llanrwst. Mae dod i ddigwyddiadau fel hyn yn cynnig cyfle gwych i siarad gyda phobl ifanc sy'n ceisio penderfynu beth i'w wneud yn y dyfodol, ac efallai'n ystyried dilyn gyrfa ym maes gofal.

Mae'n gyfle i'r gosod ar lwybr gyrfa fydd o fudd iddyn nhw ac yn helpu pobl eraill hefyd."

Dywedodd Kasia Williamson, rheolwr gwella ac ymgysylltu gyda Read Construction: "Roedd Read Construction yn falch o gefnogi'r ffeiriau swyddi er mwyn hyrwyddo gyrfaoedd yn y diwydiant adeiladu ac ymgysylltu â myfyrwyr lleol a chynnig lleoliadau gwaith.

Roedd yn gyfle gwych i siarad gyda myfyrwyr am yr ystod eang o yrfaoedd yn y diwydiant a chynnig ysbrydoliaeth i'r genhedlaeth nesa o weithwyr.”

Cefnogir CAMVA gan Lywodraeth Cymru fel rhan o'r Warant i Bobl Ifanc.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am CaMVA (dysgwyr) cliciwch yma ac i gyflogwyr cliciwch yma.

⁠Am ragor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, cliciwch yma.

Events were held at the Grŵp’s sites in Llangefni, Dolgellau, Pwllheli and Rhos-on Sea, giving students a chance to find out what skills and attributes employers are looking for and what opportunities are available.

Employers attending the event came from a wide range of industries - including engineering, care, tourism, hospitality, catering, local government, education and more.

There was also a dedicated construction event at Coleg Menai’s Llangefni campus, in addition to a general jobs fair at the site the previous day.

The events were organised by CaMVA, the Grŵp’s employability and enterprise agency, which helps bridge the gap between learners and employers.

Julie Stokes-Jones, lead work placement officer with CaMVA, said the event was a success, with students discovering more about what employers are looking for, and some being offered interviews.

She said: “We’ve had a range of employers including care, engineering, hotels and hospitality and housing associations. Some of the employers were offering apprenticeships and some were offering seasonal work as well.

“Students came round and found it beneficial, and one had an interview with one of the care companies, Gofal Seibiant, the following day for extra work on the weekends.

“There were also applications to Zip World from the Dolgellau and Pwllheli events. Adra are offering apprenticeships so there were a lot of students going to see them as well.

“This fair gives young people the opportunity of meeting employers face to face so they can put a face to a name, so when they see a CV they’re more likely to look at it. It’s all about having that personal interaction with the employers.”

Students said they found the jobs fairs were a big help as they consider their career options for the future.

Jacob Ashall, a Level 3 Electrical Installation student, said: “I found it really useful and beneficial. People explained the jobs that are available and different avenues and routes you can go down, and I was able to scout out a few things with potential employers.”

Yuliia Batrak, who is on the Level 1 Hospitality and Catering course, said: “It was a really good opportunity to speak to people from hotels and find out what jobs are available.

“It was so useful for a lot of students to have the chance to speak to employers, and it’s right here in the college so you don’t have to travel to speak to them. I spoke to two hotels who I’m interested in applying for jobs with.”

Employers also found the fairs useful as a chance to share with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai learners the work experience, apprenticeships and jobs they offer, and to help inspire them towards future careers.

Chris Waddell, internal recruiter at Akari Care, said: “The people we’ve spoken with have been very keen and interested and asked a lot of questions.

“We’ve got a few contact details for people to send them more information and there’s one lady who we’re going to book in for an interview with one of our homes.

“We’ve got four care homes in North Wales, two in Rhyl and two in Llanrwst, so coming to things like this is a really good opportunity to speak to young people who are trying to decide what they want to do with their future but who are also maybe thinking about a career in care.

“You can help set them on a career path that will not just benefit them but help other people as well.”

Kasia Williamson, improvement and engagement manager for Read construction, said: “Read were pleased to support the jobs fairs, promoting careers in the construction industry and connecting with local students to offer work placements.

“It was a fantastic opportunity to talk with students about the wide range of opportunities within the industry and inspire the next generation of construction workers.”

CAMVA is supported by Welsh Government as part of the Young Person's Guarantee.

For more information about CaMVA for learners, click here, and for employers, click here.

For more information on courses at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

Events were held at the Grŵp’s sites in Llangefni, Dolgellau, Pwllheli and Rhos-on Sea, giving students a chance to find out what skills and attributes employers are looking for and what opportunities are available.

Employers attending the event came from a wide range of industries - including engineering, care, tourism, hospitality, catering, local government, education and more.

There was also a dedicated construction event at Coleg Menai’s Llangefni campus, in addition to a general jobs fair at the site the previous day.

The events were organised by CaMVA, the Grŵp’s employability and enterprise agency, which helps bridge the gap between learners and employers.

Julie Stokes-Jones, lead work placement officer with CaMVA, said the event was a success, with students discovering more about what employers are looking for, and some being offered interviews.

She said: “We’ve had a range of employers including care, engineering, hotels and hospitality and housing associations. Some of the employers were offering apprenticeships and some were offering seasonal work as well.

“Students came round and found it beneficial, and one had an interview with one of the care companies, Gofal Seibiant, the following day for extra work on the weekends.

“There were also applications to Zip World from the Dolgellau and Pwllheli events. Adra are offering apprenticeships so there were a lot of students going to see them as well.

“This fair gives young people the opportunity of meeting employers face to face so they can put a face to a name, so when they see a CV they’re more likely to look at it. It’s all about having that personal interaction with the employers.”

Students said they found the jobs fairs were a big help as they consider their career options for the future.

Jacob Ashall, a Level 3 Electrical Installation student, said: “I found it really useful and beneficial. People explained the jobs that are available and different avenues and routes you can go down, and I was able to scout out a few things with potential employers.”

Yuliia Batrak, who is on the Level 1 Hospitality and Catering course, said: “It was a really good opportunity to speak to people from hotels and find out what jobs are available.

“It was so useful for a lot of students to have the chance to speak to employers, and it’s right here in the college so you don’t have to travel to speak to them. I spoke to two hotels who I’m interested in applying for jobs with.”

Employers also found the fairs useful as a chance to share with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai learners the work experience, apprenticeships and jobs they offer, and to help inspire them towards future careers.

Chris Waddell, internal recruiter at Akari Care, said: “The people we’ve spoken with have been very keen and interested and asked a lot of questions.

“We’ve got a few contact details for people to send them more information and there’s one lady who we’re going to book in for an interview with one of our homes.

“We’ve got four care homes in North Wales, two in Rhyl and two in Llanrwst, so coming to things like this is a really good opportunity to speak to young people who are trying to decide what they want to do with their future but who are also maybe thinking about a career in care.

“You can help set them on a career path that will not just benefit them but help other people as well.”

Kasia Williamson, improvement and engagement manager for Read construction, said: “Read were pleased to support the jobs fairs, promoting careers in the construction industry and connecting with local students to offer work placements.

“It was a fantastic opportunity to talk with students about the wide range of opportunities within the industry and inspire the next generation of construction workers.”

CAMVA is supported by Welsh Government as part of the Young Person's Guarantee.

For more information about CaMVA for learners, click here, and for employers, click here.

For more information on courses at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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