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Myfyrwyr yn Cyhoeddi Llyfr Stori Nadolig

Cafodd myfyrwyr o Goleg Menai gyfle oes yn ddiweddar i ddrafftio a chyhoeddi llyfr stori Nadolig i blant gydag awdur a darlunydd medrus.

Mewn ymgais i ddatblygu eu sgiliau gweithio mewn tîm a rheoli amser, bu’r saith myfyriwr ‘Paratoi at Weithio’ yn Llangefni yn gweithio’n agos gyda’r awdur a’r darlunydd David Donaghy i gynllunio stori, datblygu cymeriadau, ac yna mynd ati i ysgrifennu stori.

Mae'r stori Nadoligaidd, 'The Christmas Resuce' yn dilyn hynt a helynt coblynnod sydd mewn trafferth ar Noswyl Nadolig gyda Siôn Corn wedi torri ei goes a'r unig goblyn a all yrru sled Siôn Corn wedi mynd ar ei wyliau.

Mae myfyrwyr a staff 'Paratoi at Weithio' i gyd yn ymddangos yn y llyfr fel coblynnod; mae cymeriadau’r coblynnod yn debyg iawn iddyn nhw, ac mae tasgau’r coblynnod hefyd yn debyg i'r targedau a osodwyd i’r myfyrwyr gan eu tiwtor.

Wedi ei gyhoeddi gan Blurb Books, mae 'The Christmas Rescure' bellach yn y Llyfrgell Genedlaethol yn Llundain ac wedi cael hawlfraint. Mae'r llyfr hefyd ar gael i'w brynu ar-lein am £7.99.

Dywedodd Amber Foster-Williams, un o'r myfyrwyr a weithiodd ar y llyfr:

"Rwyf wastad wedi bod wrth fy modd yn darllen ac ysgrifennu straeon. Mae cael bod yn rhan o'r broses o greu a chyhoeddi llyfr wir wedi gwireddu breuddwyd!"

"Rydw i'n ddiolchgar iawn i David Donaghy am roi'r cyfle inni i weithio gydag ef."

Ychwanegodd Tracey Lynne Locke, tiwtor Paratoi at Weithio yng Ngholeg Menai:

"Gwnaeth y grŵp fwynhau gweithio ar y prosiect hwn yn fawr iawn. Cafodd y myfyrwyr brofiad gwych yn ysgrifennu'r stori. Roedd yn gyfle unigryw a fydd yn aros yn y cof am flynyddoedd i ddod. Mae John (LSA) a minnau wir yn gwerthfawrogi holl waith caled David ar y prosiect hwn."

Meddai David Donaghy,

"Ar ôl cyfarfod gyda'r myfyrwyr mewn sesiwn dros Zoom, cofiais am y diffyg arweiniad oedd gen i pan ddechreuais ar fy ngyrfa fel awdur. Cofiais hefyd pa mor anodd oedd hi i ddechrau'r daith i ddod yn awdur cyhoeddedig. Penderfynais felly i roi her i'r myfyrwyr er mwyn gwthio eu hunain, ymestyn ffiniau a chyflawni rhywbeth mae llawer yn breuddwydio amdano.

“Yn sicr ni wnaethon nhw fy siomi; gwnaethon nhw wynebu'r her a gweithio gyda'i gilydd i lunio sgript a'i anfon ymlaen ataf. Roeddwn i wrth fy modd yn ei ddarllen.

“Gan weithio fel tîm, gwnes i, Tracey, John a’r myfyrwyr, gynhyrchu darn o waith y gallent oll fod yn falch ohono. Roeddwn i'n eithriadol o falch o bob un ohonynt pan ddaeth y prosiect i ben.

“Roedd yn fraint cael bod yn rhan o 'The Christmas Resuce' a bydd y profiad a'm hatgofion o'r myfyrwyr yn aros gyda mi am byth.”

In a bid to develop their team-working and time management skills, the seven ‘Step up to Work’ students based in Llangefni worked closely with author and illustrator David Donaghy to plan the storyline, develop the characters, and write the story.

Titled ‘The Christmas Rescue’ the festive story follows the adventure of panic-stricken elves on Christmas Eve whilst Santa has broken his leg, and they try to find the one Elf - who is on holiday - that can drive Santa’s Sleigh.

The students and Step up to Work staff feature in the book as the elves, their characters relate to their actual personalities, and to the targets set to the students by their tutor.

Published by Blurb Books, ‘The Christmas Rescue’ is now in the National Library in London, and has been copyrighted. The book is also available to buy online for £7.99, here.

Amber Foster-Williams, one of the students who worked on the book, said,

“I have always loved reading and writing my own stories. Now that I was involved in a book that has actually been published, it's like my dream has come true!”

“I am very grateful to David Donaghy for giving us the opportunity to work on it.”

Tracey Lynne Locke, Step up to Work tutor at Coleg Menai, said,

“As a group we really enjoyed working on this project. The students had a fantastic experience writing the story. It was a unique opportunity that will leave a lasting memory for years to come. John (LSA) and myself appreciate all the hard work that David put into the project.”

David Donaghy, said,

“Having met the students on a Zoom meeting, I recalled my lack of guidance, when I first embarked on my career as an author. I also remembered how difficult it was getting on the first rung of the ladder. As a result, I decided to offer the students a challenge. To push themselves, to stretch boundaries and to achieve something, many just dream about.

They certainly did not let me down, they faced the challenge, working together, they forwarded their script to me. I was thrilled to read it.

Working as a team, myself, Tracey, John and the students, we produced a piece of work that they could all be proud of. When the project was complete, I couldn’t have been more proud of each and every one of them.

It was an honour for me to have been involved in ‘The Christmas Rescue’ and that experience and memory of the students will remain with me forever”


In a bid to develop their team-working and time management skills, the seven ‘Step up to Work’ students based in Llangefni worked closely with author and illustrator David Donaghy to plan the storyline, develop the characters, and write the story.

Titled ‘The Christmas Rescue’ the festive story follows the adventure of panic-stricken elves on Christmas Eve whilst Santa has broken his leg, and they try to find the one Elf - who is on holiday - that can drive Santa’s Sleigh.

The students and Step up to Work staff feature in the book as the elves, their characters relate to their actual personalities, and to the targets set to the students by their tutor.

Published by Blurb Books, ‘The Christmas Rescue’ is now in the National Library in London, and has been copyrighted. The book is also available to buy online for £7.99, here.

Amber Foster-Williams, one of the students who worked on the book, said,

“I have always loved reading and writing my own stories. Now that I was involved in a book that has actually been published, it's like my dream has come true!”

“I am very grateful to David Donaghy for giving us the opportunity to work on it.”

Tracey Lynne Locke, Step up to Work tutor at Coleg Menai, said,

“As a group we really enjoyed working on this project. The students had a fantastic experience writing the story. It was a unique opportunity that will leave a lasting memory for years to come. John (LSA) and myself appreciate all the hard work that David put into the project.”

David Donaghy, said,

“Having met the students on a Zoom meeting, I recalled my lack of guidance, when I first embarked on my career as an author. I also remembered how difficult it was getting on the first rung of the ladder. As a result, I decided to offer the students a challenge. To push themselves, to stretch boundaries and to achieve something, many just dream about.

They certainly did not let me down, they faced the challenge, working together, they forwarded their script to me. I was thrilled to read it.

Working as a team, myself, Tracey, John and the students, we produced a piece of work that they could all be proud of. When the project was complete, I couldn’t have been more proud of each and every one of them.

It was an honour for me to have been involved in ‘The Christmas Rescue’ and that experience and memory of the students will remain with me forever”


Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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