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Myfyrwyr yn Ceisio Dianc!

Roedd bonllefau, conffeti'n tasgu a sesiwn dynnu lluniau'n wynebu timau o fyfyrwyr a lwyddodd yn ddiweddar i ddod yn rhydd o 'ystafell ddianc' i'r byd go iawn!

Treuliodd myfyrwyr sy'n dilyn cwrs gradd sylfaen mewn Trefnu Digwyddiadau ar gampws Coleg Llandrillo yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos fisoedd yn creu ystafell ddianc yn rhan o'u cwrs.

Yn wreiddiol, gofynnwyd iddynt greu rhywbeth hwyliog ar gyfer y myfyrwyr, i helpu i ddod â phawb ynghyd ar ôl y cyfnod heriol diweddar. Gwnaethant benderfynu creu ystafell ddianc y gellid ei gosod unrhyw le ar y campws ̶ rhyw fath o 'ddihangfa' i ysgogi ffrindiau i ryngweithio ac i roi hwb i les y myfyrwyr.

Galwyd yr ystafell yn 'Colour Crisis' ̶ roedd yn ddu a gwyn bron i gyd, ac eithrio rhan binc a oedd yn allweddol er mwyn i'r cystadleuwyr ddianc. Roedd y profiad yn dechrau gyda recordiad fideo o feistr y gêm yn egluro'r her gyffredinol, a oedd yn cynnwys saith gêm heriol yn amrywio o ddatrys cod Morse i ddatrys rhigymau cymhleth ... yng nghanol sbotoleuadau a cherddoriaeth sinistr.

Ar ôl cwblhau gêm yn llwyddiannus, roedd y rhai a oedd yn cymryd rhan yn cael llythyren o fysellfwrdd cyfrifiadur. Ar ôl casglu’r holl lythrennau bysellfwrdd, roedd yn rhaid iddynt ddatrys ble i fynd ar y bysellfwrdd qwerty i ganfod cyfrinair y cyfrifiadur. Yna, roedd hwn yn agor bocs enfawr a oedd yn cynnwys dros ddeg ar hugain o allweddi, ond dim ond un oedd yn ffitio clo'r drws pinc ac yn mynd i'w galluogi i ddianc!

Wedi i'r tîm ddianc, roedd bonllefau, conffeti'n tasgu a sesiwn dynnu lluniau'n eu hwynebu. Roedd ganddynt un awr i gwblhau'r dasg. Gallent ofyn am gliwiau gan feistr y gêm, ond roedd pob cliw yn ychwanegu munud at eu hamser cyffredinol. Yn ogystal â dianc, y nod oedd hawlio’r wobr drwy fod y grŵp cyflymaf i gael eu traed yn rhydd.

'L5 Escapes' yw enw'r cwmni y mae'r myfyrwyr wedi'i sefydlu. Y myfyrwyr mentrus, sydd ar ail flwyddyn y cwrs gradd sylfaen mewn Rheoli Digwyddiadau, oedd Adam Owen o Gonwy, Kai Davies (Llanddulas), Jess Alexander (Cyffordd Llandudno) a Phil Lynes (Caernarfon).

Dywedodd Claire Jones, darlithydd a chydlynydd y cwrs: "Mi gymerodd sawl darlith/wythnos i'r tîm greu'r ystafell, gan ymchwilio i'r farchnad er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr eu bod yn gwneud y dewisiadau gorau ar gyfer y dasg. Yn ogystal, roedd yn rhaid iddyn nhw wneud sawl peth arall, yn cynnwys cael gafael ar y defnyddiau, paentio'r set, creu gemau, cynnal profion i weld faint o amser y byddai'r dasg yn ei gymryd, a gosod goleuadau a synau deinamig. Roedd hyn i gyd yn rhan o'u hasesiad cyffredinol a bydd yn galluogi'r myfyrwyr i ychwanegu profiad ymarferol at eu CVs pan fyddant yn cwblhau'r cwrs ac yn chwilio am waith yn y diwydiant."

Ar y diwrnod, wynebodd dros ddeugain o fyfyrwyr yr her, ac roedd pawb yn unfryd fod y profiad wedi bod yn un cadarnhaol iawn: "Gwnaeth y myfyrwyr a oedd yn trefnu ymdrin â'r dasg mewn ffordd broffesiynol iawn; yn sicr, mi wnaethon nhw ddod â hwyl a chyffro i'r campws!"; "Roedd hwnna'n wych!"; "Roedd yn dda gallu cael hwyl efo fy ffrindiau coleg, ac roedd ar y campws ac yn rhad ac am ddim!"; ac "Dw i ar ben fy nigon ar ôl hwnna!"

Mae'r cwrs gradd sylfaen mewn Rheoli Digwyddiadau wedi'i seilio ar un diwrnod astudio'r wythnos, felly mae i'r dim i rai sydd am ennill gradd ond sydd ag ymrwymiadau eraill hefyd. Mae'n gwrs academaidd (wedi'i ddilysu gan Brifysgol Bangor) ond mae'n cynnwys cyfleoedd galwedigaethol i gael profiad ymarferol mewn sawl agwedd ar y diwydiant: o gigiau cerddoriaeth fyw a seremonïau gwobrwyo cenedlaethol, i ddigwyddiadau addysgol a chynadleddau.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y radd sylfaen mewn Rheoli Digwyddiadau a gynigir yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, ffoniwch dîm y Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr ar 01492 542 338.



Event Management students from Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhos-on-Sea campus spent months putting together an escape room as part of their foundation degree course.

They were originally given the task to create something fun for the student body, to help bring people together after recent challenging times. They decided on an escape room as an entertaining, pop-up activity which could be located anywhere on campus - a form of ‘escapism’ to stimulate interaction with friends and boost student welfare.

The room itself was called ‘Colour Crisis’, dressed in almost entirely black and white, except for a pink part which was fundamental to the participants’ escapes. The experience began with a video recording of the game master explaining the overall challenge, consisting of seven challenging games: from cracking Morse code to solving complex riddles…whilst surrounded by spotlights and ominous music.

After successfully completing a game, participants were given a key from a computer keyboard. After amassing all the keyboard keys, they had to work out where they went on the qwerty keyboard to discover the password to the computer. This then opened a huge box containing over 30 keys, but only one fitted the lock to the pink door and their freedom!

Once the team escaped they were greeted with cheers, confetti cannons and a photo shoot. They had one hour to complete the task. They could ask for clues from the game master but each clue added 1 minute to their overall time. The objective was not only to escape, but to be the fastest group, in order to claim the prize.

‘L5 Escapes’ is the name of the company that the organising students created. The enterprising FdA Event Management Year 2 students were Adam Owen from Conwy, Kai Davies (Llanddulas), Jess Alexander (Llandudno Junction) and Phil Lynes (Caernarfon).

Lecturer and course coordinator Claire Jones said: “The room took a number of lectures/weeks to create as the team conducted a series of market research activities to ensure they made the best choices for the task. They also had to source the materials, paint the set within the room, come up with the games, conduct time trials and set up dynamic lighting and sound, to name but a few tasks. All of this formed part of their overall assessment and will enable the students to add practical experience to enhance their CVs once they have completed their studies and enter the industry.”

On the day over 40 students took the challenge, and were wholeheartedly positive about the event: "The organising students handled the task in a very professional manner; they certainly brought fun and excitement to the campus!", "That was ace!!”, “It was good to be able to do something fun with my college mates, and it was on campus and it was free!" and "Absolutely buzzin' after that!"

The Event Management foundation degree course works on a one-study-day-a-week model so is perfect for those who are wishing to gain a degree alongside other commitments. The course is academic (validated by Bangor University) but also contains many vocational opportunities to get hands-on experience of the industry across many fields: from live music gigs and national award ceremonies, to educational events and conferences.

For more information on the Event Management foundation degree course at Coleg Llandrillo, please contact the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



Event Management students from Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhos-on-Sea campus spent months putting together an escape room as part of their foundation degree course.

They were originally given the task to create something fun for the student body, to help bring people together after recent challenging times. They decided on an escape room as an entertaining, pop-up activity which could be located anywhere on campus - a form of ‘escapism’ to stimulate interaction with friends and boost student welfare.

The room itself was called ‘Colour Crisis’, dressed in almost entirely black and white, except for a pink part which was fundamental to the participants’ escapes. The experience began with a video recording of the game master explaining the overall challenge, consisting of seven challenging games: from cracking Morse code to solving complex riddles…whilst surrounded by spotlights and ominous music.

After successfully completing a game, participants were given a key from a computer keyboard. After amassing all the keyboard keys, they had to work out where they went on the qwerty keyboard to discover the password to the computer. This then opened a huge box containing over 30 keys, but only one fitted the lock to the pink door and their freedom!

Once the team escaped they were greeted with cheers, confetti cannons and a photo shoot. They had one hour to complete the task. They could ask for clues from the game master but each clue added 1 minute to their overall time. The objective was not only to escape, but to be the fastest group, in order to claim the prize.

‘L5 Escapes’ is the name of the company that the organising students created. The enterprising FdA Event Management Year 2 students were Adam Owen from Conwy, Kai Davies (Llanddulas), Jess Alexander (Llandudno Junction) and Phil Lynes (Caernarfon).

Lecturer and course coordinator Claire Jones said: “The room took a number of lectures/weeks to create as the team conducted a series of market research activities to ensure they made the best choices for the task. They also had to source the materials, paint the set within the room, come up with the games, conduct time trials and set up dynamic lighting and sound, to name but a few tasks. All of this formed part of their overall assessment and will enable the students to add practical experience to enhance their CVs once they have completed their studies and enter the industry.”

On the day over 40 students took the challenge, and were wholeheartedly positive about the event: "The organising students handled the task in a very professional manner; they certainly brought fun and excitement to the campus!", "That was ace!!”, “It was good to be able to do something fun with my college mates, and it was on campus and it was free!" and "Absolutely buzzin' after that!"

The Event Management foundation degree course works on a one-study-day-a-week model so is perfect for those who are wishing to gain a degree alongside other commitments. The course is academic (validated by Bangor University) but also contains many vocational opportunities to get hands-on experience of the industry across many fields: from live music gigs and national award ceremonies, to educational events and conferences.

For more information on the Event Management foundation degree course at Coleg Llandrillo, please contact the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



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