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Cyflwyno Gwobrau Dug Caeredin i Fyfyrwyr ag Anghenion Ychwanegol

Cyflwynwyd gwobrau Efydd ac Arian Dug Caeredin i grŵp o fyfyrwyr Coleg Llandrillo ag anghenion dysgu ychwanegol gan bennaeth y coleg yn ddiweddar, ar ôl iddynt gwblhau cyfres o dasgau heriol dros gyfnod o fisoedd.

Roedd y tîm anturus “wrth eu boddau” i dderbyn eu tystysgrifau swyddogol gan Lawrence Wood, pennaeth Coleg Llandrillo. Roedd y tasgau a gyflawnwyd yn amrywio o daith gerdded 26k ar hyd llwybr yr arfordir i gynllunio alldaith awyr agored i wersylla gwyllt!

Dyfarnwyd cyfuniad o wobrau dringo NICAS, gwobrau Efydd Dug Caeredin a gwobrau Arian Dug Caeredin i'r myfyrwyr Sgiliau Byw'n Annibynnol - Osian Jones, Ally Evans, Lee Harvey a Jordan Mcdermot. ⁠ Mae'r myfyrwyr bellach yn gweithio tuag at y wobr Aur, a fydd yn cael ei chyflwyno iddynt ym Mhalas Buckingham yr haf hwn.

Dywedodd Osian ar y diwrnod: "Roedd yn brofiad gwych. Fy hoff ran oedd gwneud tân yn y gwersyll a chysgu mewn pabell."

Ychwanegodd Jane Myatt, Rheolwr Maes Rhaglen yr adran Sgiliau Byw'n Annibynnol: "Mae'r myfyrwyr wedi goresgyn nifer o rwystrau a phroblemau ac rydym yn hynod falch o'u cyflawniadau arbennig. Mae manteision dysgu yn yr awyr agored yn anfesuradwy. Mae'n wobr mor anodd ei chael hyd yn oed heb unrhyw anawsterau dysgu.

“Yn llythrennol, mae'r profiad wedi newid eu bywydau. Cawson nhw gyfle i ddarganfod diddordebau a thalentau newydd yn ogystal â datblygu sgiliau hanfodol ar gyfer bywyd a gwaith. Mae'r gwobrau hyn yn brawf o'u cyflawniad, ac yn rai a gâi eu parchu gan gyflogwyr.”

Bellach mae adran Sgiliau Byw’n Annibynnol Coleg Llandrillo yn treulio un diwrnod yn wythnos yn paratoi ar gyfer gwobrau Dug Caeredin.

Meddai Lawrence Wood, Pennaeth Coleg Llandrillo: "Rydw i'n falch o gyflwyno’r gwobrau hyn i’r myfyrwyr. Mae wedi bod yn ymdrech ardderchog gan bawb a gymerodd ran; maen nhw'n glod i'r coleg.”

“Hoffwn ddymuno pob lwc iddyn nhw i gyd wrth weithio tuag at y wobr Aur, ac rydw i’n gobeithio ymuno â nhw ym Mhalas Buckingham!”

Gwobrau Dug Caeredin yw prif wobrau cyflawniad ieuenctid y byd, gyda dros 438,000 o bobl ifanc yn gweithio tuag at wobr yn y DU ar hyn o bryd. Sefydlwyd y gwobrau gan y Dug ei hun dros 60 mlynedd yn ôl. Fe’u cynlluniwyd i annog unrhyw un rhwng 14 a 24 oed i ymgymryd ag amrywiaeth o weithgareddau sy’n datblygu sgiliau fel arweinyddiaeth, dyfalbarhad, gwaith tîm a chyfathrebu.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Sgiliau Byw’n Annibynnol yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, ewch i

neu ffoniwch Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr y coleg ar 01492 542 338.⁠



The adventurous team were “absolutely thrilled” after receiving their official certificates from Lawrence Wood, principal of Coleg Llandrillo. Tasks accomplished ranged from a 26k coastal path walk through planning an outdoor expedition to wild camping!

The Independent Living Skills students; Osian Jones, Ally Evans, Lee Harvey and Jordan Mcdermot, were awarded with a combination of the NICAS climbing award, Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award, and the Silver Duke of Edinburgh award. The students are working towards the Gold award, which will be presented to them at Buckingham Palace this Summer.

Osian said on the day: “It was a brilliant experience. My favourite part was making a camp fire and sleeping in a tent.”

Jane Myatt, Programme Area Manager for the Independent Living Skills department, added: “The students have had to overcome so many obstacles and issues and we are extremely proud of their considerable achievements. The benefits of outdoor learning are immeasurable. It is such a difficult award to obtain without any learning difficulties.

“It was literally a life-changing experience for them. They had an opportunity to discover new interests and talents as well as developing essential skills for life and work. The award is a recognised mark of achievement, respected by employers.”

Coleg Llandrillo’s Independent Living Skills department now has a dedicated Duke of Edinburgh’s awards’ day each week.

Coleg Llandrillo principal Lawrence Wood said: “I am proud to present the students with these awards. It has been an excellent effort by all those involved; they’re a credit to the college”

“I’d like to wish them all the best of luck working towards the Gold award, and I hope to join them at Buckingham Palace!”

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is the world's leading youth achievement award, with over 438,000 young people currently doing their DofE in the UK. Founded the Duke himself over 60 years ago, it was designed to encourage anyone aged 14 to 24 to take on a range of activities that develop skills such as leadership, perseverance, team work and communication.

For more information about Independent Living Skills courses at Coleg Llandrillo, go to

or call the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



The adventurous team were “absolutely thrilled” after receiving their official certificates from Lawrence Wood, principal of Coleg Llandrillo. Tasks accomplished ranged from a 26k coastal path walk through planning an outdoor expedition to wild camping!

The Independent Living Skills students; Osian Jones, Ally Evans, Lee Harvey and Jordan Mcdermot, were awarded with a combination of the NICAS climbing award, Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award, and the Silver Duke of Edinburgh award. The students are working towards the Gold award, which will be presented to them at Buckingham Palace this Summer.

Osian said on the day: “It was a brilliant experience. My favourite part was making a camp fire and sleeping in a tent.”

Jane Myatt, Programme Area Manager for the Independent Living Skills department, added: “The students have had to overcome so many obstacles and issues and we are extremely proud of their considerable achievements. The benefits of outdoor learning are immeasurable. It is such a difficult award to obtain without any learning difficulties.

“It was literally a life-changing experience for them. They had an opportunity to discover new interests and talents as well as developing essential skills for life and work. The award is a recognised mark of achievement, respected by employers.”

Coleg Llandrillo’s Independent Living Skills department now has a dedicated Duke of Edinburgh’s awards’ day each week.

Coleg Llandrillo principal Lawrence Wood said: “I am proud to present the students with these awards. It has been an excellent effort by all those involved; they’re a credit to the college”

“I’d like to wish them all the best of luck working towards the Gold award, and I hope to join them at Buckingham Palace!”

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is the world's leading youth achievement award, with over 438,000 young people currently doing their DofE in the UK. Founded the Duke himself over 60 years ago, it was designed to encourage anyone aged 14 to 24 to take on a range of activities that develop skills such as leadership, perseverance, team work and communication.

For more information about Independent Living Skills courses at Coleg Llandrillo, go to

or call the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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