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Mae'r Grym yn gryf gyda myfyriwr o Goleg Menai a greodd ei sabr golau ei hun

Mae'r Grym yn gryf gyda myfyriwr o Goleg Menai a greodd ei sabr golau o faintioli llawn fel rhan o'i gwrs peirianneg electronig.

Adeiladodd Adam, o Aberdyfi, atgynhyrchiad o'r arf Star Wars eiconig ar gyfer ei brosiect unigol ail-flwyddyn ar y Diploma Estynedig BTEC Lefel 3 mewn Peirianneg Drydanol.

Ond nid yn unig ei sgiliau Jedi mae wedi bod yn rhoi ar waith. Enillodd Adam y wobr beirianneg eleni yn Seremoni Gworbwyo Cyflawnwyr Coleg Menai, ac mae ar y ffordd i ennill gradd rhagoriaeth yn ei ddiploma, wedi cyfuno ei astudiaethau gyda'i swydd fel peiriannydd cynnal a chadw a datblygu gyda Nimbus Foods.

Mae'n gobeithio cyrraedd rownd derfynol y Deyrnas Unedig yng nghystadleuaeth World Skills mewn Electroneg Ddiwydiannol ar gyfer yr ail flwyddyn yn olynol, wedi ennill medal efydd yng nghystadleuaeth Sgiliau Electronig Diwydiannol Cymru yn 2022, a hefyd wedi arwain ei dîm i'r ail le yn y F1 yn y gystadleuaeth Ysgolion yr un flwyddyn.

Mae ei gyflawniadau yn fwy trawiadol gan ei fod yn wynebu trip 160 milltir (y ddwy ffordd) i gampws Llangefni Coleg Menai - ac mae'n cynllunio i ddychwelyd i'r coleg i barhau ei astudiaethau i lefel gradd ar sail ran-amser.

Canmolodd ei diwtor Mac Jones ei ymrwymiad, gan ddweud: “Mae Adam wir yn destun balchder i'r cwrs ac mae ei waith caled a'i ymrwymiad wir wedi talu ar ei ganfed, ac mae ar y ffordd i ennill y radd uchaf bosib ar gyfer ei gwrs yn ogystal â rhagori mewn cystadlaethau sgiliau, gan gyrraedd ffeinal y Deyrnas Unedig un tro a gobeithio unwaith eto eleni.

"Edrychwn ymlaen at ei weld yn parhau ei astudiaethau gyda ni ac i'w helpu i ddechrau ar ei daith i fyd diwydiant."

Cyflawnodd Adam radd rhagoriaeth yn ei holl unedau bron yn ystod ei ddiploma sylfaen ac mae ar y ffordd i gyflawni'r un nod eleni, sydd yn golygu y bydd yn gorffen ei ddiploma estynedig gyda gradd D*D*D* (yn cyfateb i 3A*).

Ychwanegodd Mac: Mae Adam yn fodel rôl gwych, gan groesawu pob agwedd o'r cwrs ac yn helpu dangos ei werth i fyfyrwyr y dyfodol yn ystod nosweithiau agored a diwrnodau digwyddiadau.

"Mae Adam hefyd wedi helpu gyda hyfforddiant cystadleuaeth sgiliau, gan weithio gyda myfyrwyr eraill sydd yn gobeithio cystadlu a rhannu ei brofiadau i helpu eraill. Mae ei frwdfrydedd tuag at y gwaith hefyd wedi helpu i ennyn diddordeb ei gyd-fyfyrwyr, ac mae ei broffesiynoldeb wedi ysbrydoli eraill i efelychu ei agwedd tuag at ei astudiaethau BTEC."

⁠Am ragor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Peirianneg Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, ewch i cliciwch yma.

Adam Hopley, from Aberdyfi, built a replica of the iconic Star Wars weapon for his second-year individual project on the Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma in Electrical Engineering.

But it’s not just his Jedi skills that he’s been putting into action. Adam won the engineering award at this year’s Achiever Award Ceremony at Coleg Menai, is on track to be awarded a distinction in his diploma, and has already secured an apprenticeship as a maintenance and development engineer with Nimbus Foods.

He is hoping to reach the UK final of the World Skills competition in Industrial Electronics for the second year running, having achieved a bronze medal in the Industrial Electronics Skills Wales competition in 2022, and also led his team to second place in the F1 in Schools competition the same year.

His achievements are all the more impressive given he faces a 160-mile round trip to Coleg Menai’s Llangefni campus - and he plans to return to the college to continue his studies to degree level on a part-time basis.

His tutor Mac Jones praised his dedication, saying: “Adam is a real credit to the course and his hard work and dedication have really paid off, with him on track to achieve the highest possible grade for his course as well as excelling in skills competitions, reaching the UK final once and hopefully again this year.

“With Adam having already secured an apprenticeship, we look forward to him continuing his studies with us and helping him on his start to his journey into the world of industry."

Adam achieved a distinction grade in almost all of his units during his foundation diploma and is on course to achieve the same goal this year, which means he will finish his extended diploma with a D*D*D* grade (equivalent to 3 A*s).

Mac added: “Adam is a fantastic role model, embracing all aspects of the course and helping to demonstrate the value to future students during open evenings and events days.

“Adam has also helped with skills competition training, working with other students hoping to compete and sharing his experiences to help others. His enthusiasm towards the work has also helped engage classmates, and his professionalism has inspired others to emulate his behaviour towards his BTEC studies.”

For more information on engineering courses available at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

Adam Hopley, from Aberdyfi, built a replica of the iconic Star Wars weapon for his second-year individual project on the Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma in Electrical Engineering.

But it’s not just his Jedi skills that he’s been putting into action. Adam won the engineering award at this year’s Achiever Award Ceremony at Coleg Menai, is on track to be awarded a distinction in his diploma, and has already secured an apprenticeship as a maintenance and development engineer with Nimbus Foods.

He is hoping to reach the UK final of the World Skills competition in Industrial Electronics for the second year running, having achieved a bronze medal in the Industrial Electronics Skills Wales competition in 2022, and also led his team to second place in the F1 in Schools competition the same year.

His achievements are all the more impressive given he faces a 160-mile round trip to Coleg Menai’s Llangefni campus - and he plans to return to the college to continue his studies to degree level on a part-time basis.

His tutor Mac Jones praised his dedication, saying: “Adam is a real credit to the course and his hard work and dedication have really paid off, with him on track to achieve the highest possible grade for his course as well as excelling in skills competitions, reaching the UK final once and hopefully again this year.

“With Adam having already secured an apprenticeship, we look forward to him continuing his studies with us and helping him on his start to his journey into the world of industry."

Adam achieved a distinction grade in almost all of his units during his foundation diploma and is on course to achieve the same goal this year, which means he will finish his extended diploma with a D*D*D* grade (equivalent to 3 A*s).

Mac added: “Adam is a fantastic role model, embracing all aspects of the course and helping to demonstrate the value to future students during open evenings and events days.

“Adam has also helped with skills competition training, working with other students hoping to compete and sharing his experiences to help others. His enthusiasm towards the work has also helped engage classmates, and his professionalism has inspired others to emulate his behaviour towards his BTEC studies.”

For more information on engineering courses available at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

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