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Miloedd yn ymweld â Choleg Glynllifon yng Ngŵyl Fwyd Caernarfon.

Mae Gŵyl Fwyd Caernarfon wedi tyfu i fod yn un o ddigwyddiadau mwyaf poblogaidd Gogledd Cymru yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf, gyda Choleg Glynllifon yn chwarae rhan ganolog yn llwyddiant yr ŵyl.

Daeth miloedd drwy ddrysau lloc anifeiliaid Coleg Glynllifon yn ystod y digwyddiad, oedd yn gyfle gwych i ddangos yr hyn sydd gan y coleg i’w gynnig.

Meddai Rhodri Manon Owen, Rheolwr Fferm Glynllifon.

"Mae Gŵyl Fwyd Caernarfon yn un o uchafbwyntiau blynyddol y coleg. Mae’n gyfle gwych i ni ddangos i’r gymuned ehangach yr holl gyfleoedd sydd ar gael yn y coleg. Mae gwneud y cysylltiad rhwng byd amaeth a’r diwydiant bwyd hefyd yn hynod o bwysig. "


"Gyda Glynllifon yn tyfu i fod yn un o'r canolfannau astudio diwydiannau tir pwysicaf yng Nghymru gyfan, mae creu'r cysylltiadau ehangach hynny yn bwysig iawn i ddyfodol y coleg."

Yn ystod y dydd cafwyd arddangosfa gneifio gan un o staff y coleg, Elfed Jackson, sy’n gyn-bencampwr cneifio’r byd.

Roedd cyfle hefyd i blant a phobl ifanc wneud gweithgareddau coedwigaeth a gofalu am anifeiliaid bach yn ystod y dydd.

Mae buddsoddiadau diweddar ar y fferm yn cynnwys y tŷ crwn gwartheg ac uned foch o’r radd flaenaf.

Mae gan y campws hefyd ganolfan astudiaethau anifeiliaid, canolfan beirianneg a choedwig a melin lifio.

Mae'r bloc addysgu o'r radd flaenaf yn darparu cyfleusterau cyfoes ar gyfer dysgu yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, ystafelloedd TG, ynghyd â llyfrgell a chanolfan adnoddau, darlithfa fawr, dwy ystafell bwrpasol ar gyfer anifeiliaid egsotig a'r cwrs nyrsio milfeddygol.

Thousands came through the doors of Coleg Glynllifon's animal enclosure during the event, which was a great opportunity to show what the college has to offer.

Rhodri Manon Owen, Glynllifon Farm Manager said.

"The Caernarfon Food Festival is one of the college's annual highlights. It is a great opportunity for us to show the wider community all the opportunities available at the college. Making the connection between the world of agriculture and the food industry is also extremely important."

He added.

"With Glynllifon growing to be one of the most important land industries study centers in the whole of Wales, creating those wider connections is very important for the future of the college."

During the day there was a shearing exhibition by one of the college's staff, Elfed Jackson, who is a former world shearing champion.

There was also an opportunity for children and young people to undertake forestry and care for small animals activities during the day.

Recent investments at the farm include the cattle roundhouse and a state-of-the-art pig unit.

The campus also has an animal studies centre, engineering centre and forest & sawmill.

The state-of-the-art teaching block provides contemporary facilities for classroom-based learning, IT rooms, plus a library & resource centre, a large lecture theatre, two purpose-built rooms for exotic animals and the veterinary nursing course.

Thousands came through the doors of Coleg Glynllifon's animal enclosure during the event, which was a great opportunity to show what the college has to offer.

Rhodri Manon Owen, Glynllifon Farm Manager said.

"The Caernarfon Food Festival is one of the college's annual highlights. It is a great opportunity for us to show the wider community all the opportunities available at the college. Making the connection between the world of agriculture and the food industry is also extremely important."

He added.

"With Glynllifon growing to be one of the most important land industries study centers in the whole of Wales, creating those wider connections is very important for the future of the college."

During the day there was a shearing exhibition by one of the college's staff, Elfed Jackson, who is a former world shearing champion.

There was also an opportunity for children and young people to undertake forestry and care for small animals activities during the day.

Recent investments at the farm include the cattle roundhouse and a state-of-the-art pig unit.

The campus also has an animal studies centre, engineering centre and forest & sawmill.

The state-of-the-art teaching block provides contemporary facilities for classroom-based learning, IT rooms, plus a library & resource centre, a large lecture theatre, two purpose-built rooms for exotic animals and the veterinary nursing course.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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