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Taith Feiciau i Ibiza dros achos teilwng

Mae mab darlithydd yng Ngholeg Llandrillo yn trefnu taith feics aruthrol o hir o ogledd Cymru i Ibiza er cof am ei fam.

Mae Ross Howcroft-Jones, mab Kevin sy'n darlithio yn adran Beirianneg y coleg ar gampws Llandrillo-yn-Rhos, yn beicio'r daith fynyddig 758.21 milltir o hyd gyda'i dîm dros gyfnod o saith diwrnod yn ystod mis Gorffennaf 2022, er mwyn codi arian dros Ymchwil Canser a Mind Cymru.

Bu farw Gaye, mam Ross a gwraig Kevin, yn ystod cyfnod y Nadolig y llynedd yn 59 oed, wedi i ganser ei tharo am y trydydd tro. Dewisodd Ross Ibiza oherwydd mae Cala Pada, pentref bach ar arfordir gogledd ddwyrain Ibiza yn gyrchfan gwyliau ac ail gartref y teulu ers 1997.

Ysgrifennodd Ross deyrnged i'w fam ac mae fersiwn cryno ohono isod.

"Roeddwn i'n saith oed pan es i i Cala Pada am y tro cyntaf ac roeddwn i wrth fy modd yn crwydro ac yn archwilio'r ynys gyda ffrindiau oedd yn dod i aros gyda fy rhieni. Roedd fy rhieni yn ffrindiau da gyda phobl yr ynys ac fe gawsant eu gwahodd i briodasau a bedyddiadau yno ac roedd hi'n draddodiad iddynt ddathlu eu pen-blwydd priodas yno bob blwyddyn.

"Dim ond ddwywaith mae Mam a Dad wedi methu mynd yno dros yr haf ers 1997. Y tro cyntaf yn 2008 pan gafodd fy mam ddiagnosis canser yr ysgyfaint. Derbyniodd driniaeth ac roedd hi'n gyfnod heriol ond roedd hi'n benderfynol fel bob amser i wella ar ôl colli traean o'i hysgyfaint. Yn 2010 canfuwyd bod gan Mam ail ddos o ganser yn y groth. Cafodd hysterectomi a gwella, ac roedd hi'n gallu dangos ei chreithiau ar draeth Cala Pada. Pan darodd Covid-19 y byd, roedd hi'n amlwg na fyddai Mam a Dad yn gallu mynd yn ystod 2020 ar y daith roeddynt wedi ei gwneud ers 23 o flynyddoedd.

"Yna yn ystod mis Ebrill 2020, pan ddaeth teithio tramor i ben, cafodd Mam ddiagnosis o ganser yn ei hasgwrn cefn. Yn dilyn llawdriniaeth aflwyddiannus roedd hi'n gaeth i gadair olwyn ond ei dymuniad oedd treulio pen blwydd 40 mlynedd o briodas yn Ibiza gyda fy nhad ym mis Gorffennaf 2021.

Aethom ati i gynllunio a gwireddu dymuniad fy Mam ond roedd gwaeth eto i ddod. Ym mis Awst 2020, cafodd Mam wybod nad oedd gwella i fod, a bod ganddi dri mis i fyw, ac mi welon ni ddirywiad gwraig oedd yn uchel ei pharch ac yn annwyl i nifer o bobl. Bu farw Mam ar 26ain o Ragfyr yn 59 oed. Cyrhaeddais yr ysbyty ar fy meic a dychwelyd adre ar feic, 32 milltir nad anghofia i byth.

"Oherwydd cyfyngiadau Covid-19 ni fy modd i mi a Dad fynd i Ibiza i wasgaru llwch Mam ar ddyddiad eu pen blwydd priodas ym mis Gorffennaf 2021, felly penderfynon ni aros tan haf 2022.

Datblygodd syniad dros ddiod yn y dafarn gyda fy ffrind Josh yn gynllun i fynd ar gefn beic o Lanwydden, Gogledd Cymru i Cala Pada, Ibiza i wasgaru llwch Mam.

Roedd Mam yn cyfeirio at Josh fel 'mab', a fo sydd wedi rhoi pethau ar waith i gynllunio taith er cof amdani. Bydd angen sgiliau ac agwedd gadarnhaol arnom ni, nodweddion roedd hi'n eu harddangos yn ystod y dyddiau anoddaf, a bob amser â gwen ar ei hwyneb. Mae hefyd yn brawf bod mynd ar feic gyda ffrindiau da yn arwyddocaol ac yn gallu cael effaith gadarnhaol ar les personol ac iechyd meddwl rhai sydd yn profi profedigaeth. Byddwn yn codi arian dros Ymchwil Canser a Mind Cymru yn ystod y daith.

Mae rhestr o'r rhai sydd yn cymryd rhan isod ynghyd â dolenni i'w cyfrifon Instagram er mwyn dilyn y daith yn fyw.

Ross Howcroft-Jones (@rosshj7)

Josh Pierce Jones (@jpj1990)

Aiden O’Leary (@aidenoleary)

Kieran Wynne-Cattanach (@kieranwc)

Jac Lewis (@jaclewis97)

Chris Mann (@chrismann01)

Dylan Kerfoot-Robson (@dylankr)

Ben Kitchin (@benkitchin)

Guy Butterworth (@guybutterworth1)

Jack Cole (@jack_cole93)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

James Alcock (Wob) (@jamesalcock)

Cyfrifol am gyfathrebu ac yn ymuno â ni ar y daith pan fo hynny'n bosib. Bydd 'Wob' yn teithio o flaen y daith i wirio llety a threfnu llefydd i aros am egwyl.

Tomos Davies (@tomdaviescycling_00)

Yn ymuno o Lanwydden i Portsmouth ar gyfer Camau 1 a 2 yn y DU.

Callum Dixon (@cdixon091291)

Mae o'n gyrru i Ffrainc ar ei fis mel ond wedi dwyn perswâd ar ei wraig i gael ymuno â cham 4 a 5 .... diolch Cate!

Camau a Sefydliadau

Cam 1: Glanwydden - Gorsaf Drenau Crewe

(gyda chefnogaeth Ymddiriedolaeth Glanwydden)

Cam 2: Soho, Llundain - Porthladd Rhyngwladol Portsmouth

(gyda chefnogaeth Chlwb Beicio Rapha)

Cam 3: Le Havre, Ffrainc - y Tŵr Eiffel

(gyda chefnogaeth Jess Dineen Hairdressing)

Cam 4: Bourg St-Maurice - Vaujany Lac

(gyda chefnogaeth ag Queen's Head Freehouse)

Cam 5: Saint-Sorlin-d’Arves – Port-les-Valence

(mewn cydweithrediad â WE Cycle)

Cam 6: Nimes – St Hippolyte

(gyda chefnogaeth Ryan Morley Coaching)

Cam 7 St Hippolyte – Barcelona

(gyda chefnogaeth Birch Bakery)

(gweler y daflen ar gyfer Cam 8) Ibiza Port – Cala Pada

(Dathliad o fywyd Gaye Howcroft-Jones)

Nodiadau'r Camau Olaf:

Bydd y beicwyr yn cyrraedd Porthladd Ibiza am 6.30am ac yn cwblhau siwrnai fer i Cala Pada

am frecwast.

Bydd adloniant gyda'r hwyr yn dechrau ar y traeth yng nghwmni band lleol, paella,

a cerveza.

Glanwydden Community Village Party.

* Teithiau ar drên ac ar gwch rhwng y camau.

I wybod rhagor am gyfrannu, cliciwch ar y dolenni isod:

Ross Howcroft-Jones - whose father Kevin is a lecturer in Engineering at the college’s Rhos-on-Sea campus - along with several teammates, will be undertaking the mountainous journey of 758.21 miles over seven days in July 2022, in aid of Cancer Research UK and Mind Cymru.

Gaye, Ross’s mother and Kevin’s wife, sadly passed away last Christmas at the age of 59 after battling cancer for a third time. Ross chose Ibiza because, since August 1997, Cala Pada - a small village on the north east coast of Ibiza - had become the annual holiday destination and second home for the family.

Ross has written a memorial, and an abridged version can be found below.

“I was seven-years-old when I first went to Cala Pada, and as I grew up, I explored the island with friends who came out to stay with my parents. My mum and dad made great friends with the islanders and were invited to weddings and christenings, as well as celebrating their own wedding anniversary there each year.

“Since 1997, my mum and dad have only missed two summers. The first being in 2008, when my mum was diagnosed with a form of lung cancer. She received treatment and it was a testing time, but as ever, showed determination to recover after having a third of her lung removed. In 2010, my Mum was diagnosed with a second bout of cancer in the womb. She had an hysterectomy and recovered to show off her scars on the beach of Cala Pada. As Covid-19 struck the world, it was clear that the summer of 2020 would mark the second time that my mum and dad would be missing their summer trip in 23 years.

“Whilst all trips abroad were being cancelled, in April 2020, my Mum was diagnosed with a third bout of cancer in her spine. Following an unsuccessful operation, she was confined to a wheelchair, but her wish was to spend her 40th wedding anniversary with my dad in Ibiza in the July of 2021.

“We set out plans and wanted to grant my mum’s wish, however the worst was yet to hit us. In August 2020, my Mum was diagnosed as terminal, she was given 3 months to live and we witnessed the demise of a woman loved and respected by so many. My mum passed away on 26th December 2020 at the age of 59. I arrived at the hospital by bike, and left by bike, 32 miles I will never forget.

“Covid-19 travel restrictions put a stop to dad and I visiting Ibiza to spread my mum’s ashes in July 2021 for their 40th wedding anniversary, so we decided we would wait until summer 2022.

“An idea over a drink in the pub with my friend Josh escalated to plans to ride from home, Glanwydden, North Wales, to Cala Pada, Ibiza to spread my mum’s ashes.

“Josh, also known as ‘son’ to my mum, set up the idea to ride in her memory. It will require skills, attitudes and characteristics which she promoted throughout her hardest days with a smile on her face. It is also testament to the significance of riding a bike with good friends and the positive impact it can have on personal well-being and mental health for those who are affected by bereavement. As a result, we will be raising money in aid of Cancer Research UK and Mind Cymru with this self-supported ride.”

Please see a list of the riders involved below, alongside their Instagram links in order to follow their journey live.

Ross Howcroft-Jones (@rosshj7)

Josh Pierce Jones (@jpj1990)

Aiden O’Leary (@aidenoleary)

Kieran Wynne-Cattanach (@kieranwc)

Jac Lewis (@jaclewis97)

Chris Mann (@chrismann01)

Dylan Kerfoot-Robson (@dylankr)

Ben Kitchin (@benkitchin)

Guy Butterworth (@guybutterworth1)

Jack Cole (@jack_cole93)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

James Alcock (Wob) (@jamesalcock)

Lead on communications and joining for the ride as and when throughout. ‘Wob’ will be ahead of the ride on the days when accommodation is needed and organising stops for the riders.

Tomos Davies (@tomdaviescycling_00)

Joining from Glanwydden to Portsmouth for Stages 1 and 2 in the UK.

Callum Dixon (@cdixon091291)

Driving to France on his honeymoon, but has managed to convince his wife to let him ride Stage 4 and Stage 5...thanks Cate!

Stages and Associations

Stage 1: Glanwydden – Crewe Railway Station

(In association with the Glanwydden Trust)

Stage 2: Soho, London – Portsmouth International Port

(In association with Rapha Cycling Club)

Stage 3: Le Havre, France - the Eiffel Tower

(In association with Jess Dineen Hairdressing)

Stage 4: Bourg St-Maurice - Vaujany Lac

(In association with the Queen’s Head Freehouse)

Stage 5: Saint-Sorlin-d’Arves – Port-les-Valence

(In association with WE Cycle)

Stage 6: Nimes – St Hippolyte

(In association with Ryan Morely Coaching)

Stage 7: St Hippolyte – Barcelona

(In association with Birch Bakery)

Stage 8: Ibiza Port – Cala Pada

(In celebration of Gaye Howcroft-Jones)

Final stage notes:

Riders will arrive in Ibiza Port for 6.30am and take the short journey to Cala Pada

for breakfast.

Evening entertainment will commence on the beach with a local Spanish band, paella,

and cerveza.

Glanwydden Community Village Party.

*Various train and boat journeys in between stages

For more information on how to donate, please see links below:

Ross Howcroft-Jones - whose father Kevin is a lecturer in Engineering at the college’s Rhos-on-Sea campus - along with several teammates, will be undertaking the mountainous journey of 758.21 miles over seven days in July 2022, in aid of Cancer Research UK and Mind Cymru.

Gaye, Ross’s mother and Kevin’s wife, sadly passed away last Christmas at the age of 59 after battling cancer for a third time. Ross chose Ibiza because, since August 1997, Cala Pada - a small village on the north east coast of Ibiza - had become the annual holiday destination and second home for the family.

Ross has written a memorial, and an abridged version can be found below.

“I was seven-years-old when I first went to Cala Pada, and as I grew up, I explored the island with friends who came out to stay with my parents. My mum and dad made great friends with the islanders and were invited to weddings and christenings, as well as celebrating their own wedding anniversary there each year.

“Since 1997, my mum and dad have only missed two summers. The first being in 2008, when my mum was diagnosed with a form of lung cancer. She received treatment and it was a testing time, but as ever, showed determination to recover after having a third of her lung removed. In 2010, my Mum was diagnosed with a second bout of cancer in the womb. She had an hysterectomy and recovered to show off her scars on the beach of Cala Pada. As Covid-19 struck the world, it was clear that the summer of 2020 would mark the second time that my mum and dad would be missing their summer trip in 23 years.

“Whilst all trips abroad were being cancelled, in April 2020, my Mum was diagnosed with a third bout of cancer in her spine. Following an unsuccessful operation, she was confined to a wheelchair, but her wish was to spend her 40th wedding anniversary with my dad in Ibiza in the July of 2021.

“We set out plans and wanted to grant my mum’s wish, however the worst was yet to hit us. In August 2020, my Mum was diagnosed as terminal, she was given 3 months to live and we witnessed the demise of a woman loved and respected by so many. My mum passed away on 26th December 2020 at the age of 59. I arrived at the hospital by bike, and left by bike, 32 miles I will never forget.

“Covid-19 travel restrictions put a stop to dad and I visiting Ibiza to spread my mum’s ashes in July 2021 for their 40th wedding anniversary, so we decided we would wait until summer 2022.

“An idea over a drink in the pub with my friend Josh escalated to plans to ride from home, Glanwydden, North Wales, to Cala Pada, Ibiza to spread my mum’s ashes.

“Josh, also known as ‘son’ to my mum, set up the idea to ride in her memory. It will require skills, attitudes and characteristics which she promoted throughout her hardest days with a smile on her face. It is also testament to the significance of riding a bike with good friends and the positive impact it can have on personal well-being and mental health for those who are affected by bereavement. As a result, we will be raising money in aid of Cancer Research UK and Mind Cymru with this self-supported ride.”

Please see a list of the riders involved below, alongside their Instagram links in order to follow their journey live.

Ross Howcroft-Jones (@rosshj7)

Josh Pierce Jones (@jpj1990)

Aiden O’Leary (@aidenoleary)

Kieran Wynne-Cattanach (@kieranwc)

Jac Lewis (@jaclewis97)

Chris Mann (@chrismann01)

Dylan Kerfoot-Robson (@dylankr)

Ben Kitchin (@benkitchin)

Guy Butterworth (@guybutterworth1)

Jack Cole (@jack_cole93)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

James Alcock (Wob) (@jamesalcock)

Lead on communications and joining for the ride as and when throughout. ‘Wob’ will be ahead of the ride on the days when accommodation is needed and organising stops for the riders.

Tomos Davies (@tomdaviescycling_00)

Joining from Glanwydden to Portsmouth for Stages 1 and 2 in the UK.

Callum Dixon (@cdixon091291)

Driving to France on his honeymoon, but has managed to convince his wife to let him ride Stage 4 and Stage 5...thanks Cate!

Stages and Associations

Stage 1: Glanwydden – Crewe Railway Station

(In association with the Glanwydden Trust)

Stage 2: Soho, London – Portsmouth International Port

(In association with Rapha Cycling Club)

Stage 3: Le Havre, France - the Eiffel Tower

(In association with Jess Dineen Hairdressing)

Stage 4: Bourg St-Maurice - Vaujany Lac

(In association with the Queen’s Head Freehouse)

Stage 5: Saint-Sorlin-d’Arves – Port-les-Valence

(In association with WE Cycle)

Stage 6: Nimes – St Hippolyte

(In association with Ryan Morely Coaching)

Stage 7: St Hippolyte – Barcelona

(In association with Birch Bakery)

Stage 8: Ibiza Port – Cala Pada

(In celebration of Gaye Howcroft-Jones)

Final stage notes:

Riders will arrive in Ibiza Port for 6.30am and take the short journey to Cala Pada

for breakfast.

Evening entertainment will commence on the beach with a local Spanish band, paella,

and cerveza.

Glanwydden Community Village Party.

*Various train and boat journeys in between stages

For more information on how to donate, please see links below:

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

Request date