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Myfyriwr Teithio a Thwristiaeth yn Ennill Ysgoloriaeth werth £100,000

Mae myfyriwr Teithio a Thwristiaeth ar gampws Coleg Menai ym Mangor newydd ennill ysgoloriaeth werth £100,000 i astudio ar gyfer gradd ym maes Gwyddoniaeth Forol mewn Prifysgol yn Southampton.

Mae Stephanie Humphreys yn paratoi i adael Caergybi a dechrau bywyd newydd yn Southampton ddiwedd mis Awst cyn dechrau'r cwrs ym mis Medi. Bydd y cwrs yn dysgu Stephanie sut i fod yn Swyddog Byrddau Llong a bydd yn cynnwys sesiynau tiwtorial ar sut i hwylio a rheoli llong yn ogystal â sgiliau bywyd allweddol megis cymorth cyntaf.

Dywedodd Stephanie: "Mae cael cynnig yr ysgoloriaeth hon yn wych. Dydw i ddim wedi dod dros y sioc eto a dydw i ddim yn meddwl y gwna' i nes y bydda' i wedi symud i Southampton. Dw i wedi gwirioni o gael y cyfle hwn ac yn gwenu fel giât wrth feddwl am y peth."

Mae Stephanie wastad wedi bod â diddordeb mewn bywyd ar y môr: mae hi wedi gweithio ar fordeithiau Seacoast Safari ym Miwmares ac yn y dociau yng Nghaergybi. Y llynedd, cafodd ddeg diwrnod o brofiad gwaith ar y môr a chael y cyfle i hwylio'r llong hanner ffordd drwy'r fordaith!

Stephanie yw'r myfyrwraig/myfyriwr cyntaf o gwrs Teithio a Thwristiaeth Coleg Menai i ennill yr ysgoloriaeth hon. Ychwanegodd: "Dw i wir wedi mwynhau fy amser ar y cwrs yn ystod y ddwy flynedd diwethaf. "Dw i wedi dysgu llawer o bethau a dw i'n siŵr y bydd yn fy helpu yn fy ngyrfa a fy mywyd yn gyffredinol yn y dyfodol. Mae'r tair athrawes (Sharon Jones, Hilary Jones, Cath Skipp) wedi bod yn wych ac wedi fy helpu i sicrhau lle mewn prifysgol. Mi fydda' i wastad yn ddiolchgar am hynny."

Yn dilyn y cwrs tair blynedd yn Southampton mae Stephanie yn gobeithio cael gwaith gyda thîm byrddau llong y Royal Carribean ryw ddiwrnod.

Ychwanegodd: "Dw i wedi bod yn breuddwydio am weithio gyda chwmni Royal Caribbean am amser hir. Dw i'n cofio mynd ar fordaith yn 2009 o amgylch ardal Môr y Canoldir. Roedd y staff yn anhygoel ac yn gyfeillgar iawn ac roedd yr amgylchedd gwaith i weld yn wych. Royal Caribbean sydd berchen ar bum llong fordaith fwyaf y byd ac mi fyswn i wrth fy modd yn gweithio ar un o'r llongau hynny rhyw ddiwrnod".

Dywedodd Sharon Jones, arweinydd rhaglen y coleg ar gyfer Teithio a Thwristiaeth: "Mae Stephanie wedi bod yn fyfyrwraig ardderchog drwy gydol y ddwy flynedd: yn ddibynadwy iawn, yn gwrtais, yn gweithio'n galed ac yn awyddus iawn i lwyddo. Mae hi wedi gweithio’n galed iawn i ennill ei lle haeddiannol gyda Clyde Marine Training".

Dyma neges Stephanie i unrhyw ddynes sy'n dymuno cael gyrfa ar y môr: "Peidiwch â rhoi'r gorau iddi a gafaelwch yn dynn yn eich breuddwyd. Os bydd unrhyw un yn eich tynnu i lawr, dangoswch eich bod yn barod i frwydro a chodi".

I gael gwybod rhagor am y cyrsiau Teithio a Thwristiaeth rydym yn eu cynnig yn y coleg cliciwch yma

Stephanie Humphreys is getting ready to pack up her life in Holyhead and move to Southampton at the end of August, with her course starting in September. The course will teach Stephanie how to be a Deck Officer, and will include tutorials on how to sail and manage a ship, as well as key life skills such as first aid.

Stephanie said: “Being offered this sponsorship is amazing, it hasn't properly sunk in yet and I don't think it will until I actually move down to Southampton. I am over the moon with this opportunity and it always brings a smile to my face when I think about it.”

A life at sea has always interested Stephanie: she has worked on the Seacoast Safari in Beaumaris, and at the shipping docks in Holyhead. Last year she completed 10 days work experience at sea, where she got the opportunity to sail the ship whilst it was half way through the voyage!

Stephanie is the first student from Coleg Menai’s Travel and Tourism course to be accepted onto this scholarship. She added: “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the course over the last two years. I have learnt many things that will help me in my future career and my life in general. The three teachers I've had (Sharon Jones, Hilary Jones, Cath Skipp) have been amazing and have all helped me get to university. I will be forever grateful to them.”

Following her three-year course at Southampton, Stephanie hopes to someday work with the deck team onboard a Royal Carribean cruise ship.

She added: “I have dreamt of working with Royal Caribbean for quite some time now. I remember going on one of their cruises in 2009 around the Mediterranean, and the staff were amazing, very friendly, and it seemed like a great work environment. Royal Caribbean owns the five largest cruise ships in the world and the thought of one day working on one of those ships is amazing.”

The college’s programme leader for Travel and Tourism, Sharon Jones said: “Stephanie has been an excellent student throughout the two years: completely dependable, polite, hard working and keen to succeed. She has worked extremely hard in gaining her well-deserved place with Clyde Marine Training."

Stephanie’s message for any woman hoping for a career at sea is: “Don't stop - keep going and keep following your dream. If anyone pushes you down, show them that you can get back up.”

To find our more about the college’s Travel and Tourism courses, please click here

Stephanie Humphreys is getting ready to pack up her life in Holyhead and move to Southampton at the end of August, with her course starting in September. The course will teach Stephanie how to be a Deck Officer, and will include tutorials on how to sail and manage a ship, as well as key life skills such as first aid.

Stephanie said: “Being offered this sponsorship is amazing, it hasn't properly sunk in yet and I don't think it will until I actually move down to Southampton. I am over the moon with this opportunity and it always brings a smile to my face when I think about it.”

A life at sea has always interested Stephanie: she has worked on the Seacoast Safari in Beaumaris, and at the shipping docks in Holyhead. Last year she completed 10 days work experience at sea, where she got the opportunity to sail the ship whilst it was half way through the voyage!

Stephanie is the first student from Coleg Menai’s Travel and Tourism course to be accepted onto this scholarship. She added: “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the course over the last two years. I have learnt many things that will help me in my future career and my life in general. The three teachers I've had (Sharon Jones, Hilary Jones, Cath Skipp) have been amazing and have all helped me get to university. I will be forever grateful to them.”

Following her three-year course at Southampton, Stephanie hopes to someday work with the deck team onboard a Royal Carribean cruise ship.

She added: “I have dreamt of working with Royal Caribbean for quite some time now. I remember going on one of their cruises in 2009 around the Mediterranean, and the staff were amazing, very friendly, and it seemed like a great work environment. Royal Caribbean owns the five largest cruise ships in the world and the thought of one day working on one of those ships is amazing.”

The college’s programme leader for Travel and Tourism, Sharon Jones said: “Stephanie has been an excellent student throughout the two years: completely dependable, polite, hard working and keen to succeed. She has worked extremely hard in gaining her well-deserved place with Clyde Marine Training."

Stephanie’s message for any woman hoping for a career at sea is: “Don't stop - keep going and keep following your dream. If anyone pushes you down, show them that you can get back up.”

To find our more about the college’s Travel and Tourism courses, please click here

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